2013.11-2015.02法国农科院/法国图卢兹国立综合理工学院果实基因组学与生物技术联合实验室(GBF, INRA-INP),博士后
四川省科技青年联合会理事;四川省海外交流协会理事;成都市海外交流协会理事。第十七届国际茄科大会Scientific Committee成员;第十二届国际植物激素乙烯大会Scientific Committee成员。
以番茄/猕猴桃等果蔬为研究对象,主要致力于植物激素信号转导及果实成熟品质调控方面的研究。在植物激素乙烯调控果实成熟及品质形成研究领域具有较好的积累,在Plant Physiology、 New Phytologist、Plant Journal、PNAS、PLoS genetics等国际期刊发表论文20余篇,其中2篇入选ESI高被引论文。主持
1. Heng Deng, Julien Pirrello, Yao Chen, Nan Li, Sihua Zhu, Ximena Chirinos, Mondher Bouzayen, Yongsheng Liu,Liu Mingchun*. A novel tomato F-box protein, SlEBF3, is involved in tuning ethylene signaling during plant development and climacteric fruit ripening. The Plant Journal. 2018, 95(4): 648-658.
2. Liu Mingchun*, Chen Yao, Chen Ya, Shin Jun-Hye, Mila Isabelle, Corinne Audran, Zouine Mohamed, Pirrello Julien, Bouzayen Mondher, The tomato Ethylene Response Factor Sl-ERF.B3 integrates ethylene and auxin signaling via direct regulation of Sl-IAA27. New Phytologist, 2018, 9(2): 631~640.
3. Liu Mingchun#*,Lima Gomes Bruna#,Mila Isabelle,Purgatto Eduardo,Peres Lazaro Eustaquio Pereira,Frasse Pierre,Maza Elie,Zouine Mohamed,Roustan Jean-Paul, Bouzayen Mondher,Pirrello Julien*,Comprehensive profiling of Ethylene Response Factors expression identifies ripening-associated ERF genes and their link to key regulators of fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).Plant Physiology,2016,170(3):1732-1744.
4. Liu Mingchun,Pirrello Julien,Chervin Christian,Roustan Jean-Paul,Bouzayen Mondher,Ethylene Control of Fruit Ripening: Revisiting the Complex Network of Transcriptional Regulation.Plant Physiology,2015,169(4):2380-2390.
5. Liu Mingchun,Diretto Gianfranco,Pirrello Julien,Roustan Jean-Paul,Li Zhengguo,Giuliano Giovanni,Regad Farid,Bouzayen Mondher,The chimeric repressor version of an Ethylene Response Factor (ERF) family member, Sl-ERF.B3, shows contrasting effects on tomato fruit ripening.New Phytologist,2014,203(1):206-218.
6. Liu Mingchun#,Pirrello Julien#,Kesari Ravi,Mila Isabelle,Roustan Jean-Paul,Li Zhengguo,Latche Alain,Pech Jean-Claude,Bouzayen Mondher,Regad Farid,A dominant repressor version of the tomato Sl-ERF.B3 gene confers ethylene hypersensitivity via feedback regulation of ethylene signaling and response components. The Plant Journal,2013,76(3):406-419.
7. Liu Mingchun, LiZhengguo, DengWei, WangGuoming, YangYingwu,Changes in volatile compounds of pickled mustard tuber (Brassica juncea var. tsatsai)during the pickling process.International Journal of Food Science and Technology,2009, 44(11): 2278–2286.
8. Hao Yanwei,Hu Guojian,Breitel Dario,Liu Mingchun,Mila Isabelle,Frasse Pierre,Fu Yongyao,Aharoni Asaph,Bouzayen Mondher,Zouine Mohamed,Auxin Response Factor SlARF2 Is an Essential Component of the Regulatory Mechanism Controlling Fruit Ripening in Tomato.PLoS Genetics,2015,11(12):e1005649-e1005649.
9. Liu Ruie,How-Kit Alexandre,Stammitti Linda,Teyssier Emeline,Rolin Dominique,Mortain-Bertrand Anne,Halle Stefanie,Liu Mingchun,Kong Junhua,Wu Chaoqun,Degraeve-Guibault Charlotte,Chapman Natalie H,Maucourt Mickael,Hodgman T Charlie,Tost Jorg,Bouzayen Mondher,Hong Yiguo,Seymour Graham B,Giovannoni James J,Gallusci Philippe,A DEMETER-like DNA demethylase governs tomato fruit ripening.PNAS,2015,112(34):10804-10809.