量子纠缠态的世界纪录;实现拓扑量子纠错,为普适的可扩展量子计算奠定了基础;实现了新奇量子物态——玻色-费米双超流体,开辟了超冷原子领域全新的研究方向;他在包括Nature (1篇)、Nature Photonics (4篇)、Nature Physics (2篇) 、Physical Review Letters (6篇)、Optica(1篇)等国际重要学术刊物上共发表论文20余篇,他引1000余次;申请发明专利两项,并受邀撰写了由
上海交通大学出版的《量子光学研究前沿》一书中的光量子计算专题。他的工作获得了广泛的关注,多次受邀在国际学术会议上做特邀大会报告,多项工作被科技媒体和重要学术期刊如MIT Tech Review, Scientific American,Nature, Nature Physics等特别报导。其第一作者的研究成果曾分别入选 “中国科技十大进展新闻”,“中国科学十大进展”,曾获中科院院长特别奖,博士论文入选中科院优秀博士论文(100篇)。
2022年2月,冬奥开幕当天,Science 发表中国科大量子模拟重大突破:潘建伟、姚星灿、陈宇翱团队基于超冷锂-镝原子量子模拟平台,首次测得第二声的衰减率(声扩散系数),并以此准确测定了体系的热导率与粘滞系数。
(1) Degenerate Bose Gases near a d-wave Shape Resonance - Nature Physics - 2019 - in press
(2) Observation of Coupled Vortex Lattices in a Mass-Imbalance Bose and Fermi Superfluid Mixture - Physical Review Letters - 2016 - Volume: 117 Issue: 14
(3) Experimental demonstration of topological error correction - Nature - 2012 - Volume: 482 Issue: 7386
(4) Observation of eight-photon entanglement - Nature Photonics - 2012 - Volume: 6 Issue: 4
(5) Experimental measurement-based quantum computing beyond the cluster-state model - Nature Photonics - 2011 - Volume: 5 Issue: 2
(6) Experimental Realization of Programmable Quantum Gate Array for Directly Probing Commutation Relations of Pauli Operators - Physical Review Letters - 2010 - Volume: 105 Issue: 12
(7) Experimental realization of a concatenated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state for macroscopic quantum superpositions - Nature Photonics - 2014 - Volume: 8 Issue: 5
(8) Experimental demonstration of a hyper-entangled ten-qubit Schrodinger cat state - Nature Physics - 2010 - Volume: 6 Issue: 5
(9) Experimental nested purification for a linear optical quantum repeater - Nature Photonics - 2017 - Volume: 11 Issue: 11
(10) Coupled dipole oscillations of a mass-imbalanced Bose-Fermi superfluid mixture - Physical Review B - 2018 - Volume: 97 Issue: 2
(11) Feshbach spectroscopy of an ultracold K-41-Li-6 mixture and K-41 atoms - Physical Review A - 2018 - Volume: 98 Issue: 2
(12) Production of large K-41 Bose-Einstein condensates using D-1 gray molasses - Physical Review A - 2016 - Volume: 94 Issue: 3
(13) 30 W, sub-kHz frequency-locked laser at 532 nm - Optics Express - 2018 - Vol. 26, Issue 26
(14) Observation of ten-photon entanglement using thin BiB3O6 crystals - Optica - 2017 - Volume: 4 Issue: 1
(15) High-power 671 nm laser by second-harmonic generation with 93% efficiency in an external ring cavity - Optics Letters - 2018 - Volume: 43 Issue: 8
(16) A quantum degenerate Bose-Fermi mixture of K-41 and Li-6 - Journal of Physics B - 2017 - Volume: 50 Issue: 9
(17) Two-Hierarchy Entanglement Swapping for a Linear Optical Quantum Repeater - Physical Review Letters - 2017 - Volume: 119 Issue: 17
(18) Experimental quantum channel simulation - Physical Review A - 2017 - Volume: 95 Issue: 4
(19) Narrow-linewidth cooling of Li-6 atoms using the 2S-3P transition - Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics - 2016 - Volume: 122 Issue: 11
(20) Implementation of a Measurement-Device-Independent Entanglement Witness - Physical Review Letters - 2014 - Volume: 112 Issue: 14
(21) Bell inequality tests of four-photon six-qubit graph states - Physical Review A - 2010 - Volume: 82 Issue: 4
(22) Experimental Realization of a Controlled-NOT Gate with Four-Photon Six-Qubit Cluster States - Physical Review Letters - 2010 - Volume: 104 Issue: 2