1990. 9 – 1994. 7
2000. 9 – 2003. 7东北师大化学学院物理化学专业,获理学硕士学位
2003. 9 – 2006. 7吉林大学化学学院物理化学专业,获理学博士学位
1994. 9 – 1999. 7 大庆职工大学化工系助教
2000. 9 – 2003.12
2003. 12 – 2009.5
1. 2008-2010 基于有机电致白光材料的分子设计与发光机理研究。
2. 2006-2007 有机π共轭体系中分子间相互作用的理论研究。校内青年基金[项目负责人]
3. 2004-2005 有机电致发光器件中激基缔合物及激基复合物的理论研究。校内青年基金 [项目负责人]
1. Shabbir Muhammad, Hongliang Xu, Yi Liao, Yuhe Kan, and Zhongmin Su, Quantum Mechanical Design and Structure of theLi@B10H14Basket with a Remarkably Enhanced Electro-Optical Response, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2009, 131, 11833–11840
2. Ting-Hai Yang, Yi Liao,Li-Min Zheng, Robert E. Dinnebier, Yan-Hui Su, Jing Ma, Tuning the field-induced magnetic transition in a layered cobalt phosphonate by reversible dehydration-hydration process, Chem. Commun., 2009, 3023-3025
3. Yi Liao, J. Ma, Stacking and Solvent effects on the Electronic and Optical Properties of Alkynylgold Triphenylphosphine Aggregation: A Theoretical Study. Organometallics 2008, 27, 4636-4648.
4. S. B. Jiao, Yi Liao, X. J. Xu, L. P. Wang, G. Yu, L. M. Wang, Z. M. Su, Synthesis, Structures, Electronic States, and Luminescent Properties of Novel Blue-light Emitting Aryl-Substituted 9,9-Di(4-(di-p-tolyl) aminophenyl) fluorenes, Adv, Funct. Mater., 2008,2008, 18, 2335-2347
5. L. L. Shi, Yi Liao, G. C. Yang, Z. M. Su, Effect of π-Conjugated Length of Bridging Ligand on the Optoelectronic Properties of Platinum(II) Dimers. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 2347-2355.
6. Xinjun Xu, Yi Liao, Gui Yu, Han You, Chong’an Di, Zhongmin Su, Charge Carrier Transporting, Photoluminescent, and Electroluminescent Properties of Zinc(II)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate Complex. Chem. Mater. 2007, 19, 1740-1748.
7. Yi Liao, J. K. Feng, L. Yang, A. M. Ren, Theoretical study on the optoelectronic properties of electron-withdrawing substituted diethynylfluorenyl Gold(I) complexes J. Phy. Chem. A, 2006, 110, 13036-13044.
8. L. L. Shi, Yi Liao, L. Zhao, Z.M. Su, Y.H. Kan, Theoretical studies on the electronic structure and spectral properties of versatile diarylethene-containing 1,10-phenanthroline ligands and their rhenium(I) complexes, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 692 (2007) 5368–5374.
9. Yi Liao, J. K. Feng, L. Yang, A. M. Ren, H. X. Zhang, Theoretical Study on the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Mercury-containing diethynylfluorene Monomer, Oligomer and Polymer. Organometallics 2005, 24(3), 385-394.
11. Yi Liao, J. K. Feng, L. Yang, A. M. Ren, Effect of Substitution on the Structures and Optoelectronic Properties of Mercury-containing diethynylfluorene Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.2006, 5, 401-409
12. Yi Liao, Zhong-Min Su, Yu-He Kan, Shu-Mei Yue, Jian-Fang Ma, Ji-Hua Yang, Effect of water on zinc (II), cadmium (II) complexes with pyridylimidazole: Theoretical study of stability and electronic spectrum. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 106,490–500(2006)
13. G. C. Yang, Yi. Liao, Z. M. Su, H, Zhang, Y. Wang, Theoretical Study on Photophysical and Charge Transport Properties of 1,6-Bis(2-hydroxyphenol)pyridylboron Bis(4-n-butylphenyl)phenyleneamine Compound.J. Phy. Chem. A 2006, 110, 8758-8762
14. Yi Liao, Zhong-Min Su, Yu-He Kan, Theoretical study on geometrical structure and electronic spectrum properties of two stable conformers of boron hydroxyphenylpyridine excimers, J. Mol. Struc-theochem 2005, 1-3 (24) 123-126.
15. L Yang, Y. Liao, J. K. Feng, A. M. Ren, Theoretical Studies of the Modulation of Polymer Electronic and Optical Properties through the Introduction of the Electron-Donating 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene or Electron-Accepting Pyridine and 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Moieties. J. Phy. Chem. A 109, 7764-7774 (2005)
16. Yi Liao, L. L. Shi, J. K. Feng, L. Yang, A. M. Ren, Luminescent Properties of Mercury-containing Diethynylfluorene Derivatives, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities.2007, 23 (1) 1-4.
17. L. Yang, Y. Liao, A. M. Ren, A Theoretical investigation on the electronic and optical properties of π-conjugated Copolymers with an Efficient Electron-accepting Unit bithieno[3,2-b:2’3’-e]pyridine, Polymer, 46, 9955-9964, (2005)
18. Yi Liao, Y. G. Chen, Z. M. Su, Y. H. Kan, H. X. Duan, D. X. Zhu,TD-DFT study on electronic spectrum property for Bepp2 and its related complexes, Synthetic Metals, 137(1-3), 1093-1094, 2003.
19. Yi Liao, Z. M. Su, Y. Q. Qiu, Y. H. Kan, Y. G. Chen, R. S. Wang, Theoretical Studies on Effect of the Interaction Between Metal and Ligands on Frontier Molecular Orbitals and Nonlinear Optical Properties Within BeQ2 and Its Derivatives, Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 2003, 24(7), 1289-1292.
20. Yi Liao, Z. M. Su, Y. G. Chen, Y. H. Kan, H. X. Duan, Y. Q. Qiu, R. S. Wang, TD-DFT Study on Electronic Spectrum Property for Bis(8-hydroxyquinoline) Beryllium and Its Derivatives, Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 2003, 24(3), 477-480.
21. X. Y. Zhang,Yi. Liao, X. L. Wang, Theoretical studies on optoelectronic properties of oligofluorenyl derivatives.东北师范大学学报, 2005, 37, 72-75
22. Y. L. Teng, Y. H. Kan, Z. M. Su, Y. Liao, S. Y. Yang, R. S. Wang, Time-dependent density functional theory study on electronic and spectroscopic properties for Ph2Bq and its complexes, Theor. Chem. Acc., 2007, 117, 1-5.
23. 仇永清,苏忠民,廖奕,颜力楷,阚玉和,陈亚光,王荣顺,XAuPH3 (X=H, F, Cl, Br, I, CN, CH3) 的电子结构和非线性光学性质,科学通报, 47(19),1473-1476, 2002。
24. Y.Q. Qiu, Z.M. Su, Y. Liao, L.K. Yan, Y.H. Kan, Y.G. Chen, R.S. Wang, Electronic Structures and Nonlinear Optical Properties of XAuPH3, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(2), 140-143, 2003.
25. Z.M. Su, Y.H. Kan, Y. Liao, Y.Q. Qiu, R.S. Wang, Theoretical study on excited state structures and charge transfer characteristics of 2,2'-bipyridine: pyridine-imidazole ligands and their complexes, Synthetic Metals, 137(1-3), 1095-1096, 2003.
26. Y.Q. Qiu, Z.M. Su, Y. Liao, Ab initio research on third-order nonlinear optical properties of linear complexes [M(I)(PH3)2]+(M=Cu, Ag, Au), Synthetic Metals, 137(1-3), 1523-1524, 2003.
27. 廖奕,封继康,杨丽,中国化学会第九界全国量子化学学术会议,论文集 P.132“配位水在Zn、Cd吡啶基咪唑配合物中的稳定性以其对光谱性质影响的理论研究” 2005. 10,桂林。
28. 廖奕,封继康,杨丽,中国化学会第25界年会,论文集 “铂(II)芴炔衍生物中M-C键本质及其对光电性质的影响 ” 2006. 7,长春
29. Yi. Liao, Jing Ma, 中国化学会第十界全国量子化学学术会议,论文集 P.537 “Molecular Dynamic Simulations on Amorphous Solid of Oligophenylene” 2008,5,南京。
30. Yi Liao, Y. G. Chen, Z.M.Su, Y.H.Kan, D.X.Zhu, Y.Wang, TD-DFT STUDY ON ELECTRONIC SPECTRUM PROPERTY FOR BEPP2 AND ITS RELATED COMPOUNDS, International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals(ICSM’2002),216, Shanghai, China, June 29-July 5, 2002
31. Yi. Liao, Jing Ma, Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry 2008,“Solvent and Stacking Effects on the Electronic Structures of Alkynylgold Triphenylphosphine Oligomers” Shanghai, China, Sep. 27, 2008.