在国际学术合作方面,她参与会计相关国际研讨会并发表论文,如美国会计学会于美国密西西比大学举办东南区会议与加州棕榈泉举办国际会计期中会议,并与会计领域国际学者合作论文发表,其著作刊登于国际期刊Accounting& Taxation、International Journal of Management、The Journal of American Academy of Business及 The Business Review。
Dr.Hsueh-En Hsu earned herMaster Science in Accounting degree from University of Missouri-Kansas City and received the governmental scholarship to complete her doctorate in Business Administration-Accounting at the Nova Southeastern University in USA.Dr. Hsu joined the International College of Xiamen University in 2014 after ten years of service at the Fortune Institute of Technology, Taiwan. She was an associate professor and chairman at Fortune Institute of Technology.
Dr.Hsu currently teaches courses in Accounting, Advanced Accounting and Auditing, and conducts scholarly researches in the areas of corporate finance: agency theory, corporate governance and initial public offerings.Shehas published numerous articles in international journals like Accounting& Taxation, International Journal of Management, The Journal of American Academy of Business and The Business Review.
1. Relationships between institutional ownership, capital structure and research and development investment .Accounting &Taxation, 2015, vol 7(2).
2. The relationship between board characteristics and financial performance: A study of United States initial public offerings. International Journal of Management, 2010, 27(2), p 332-341.
3. Audit Committees in U.S. Entrepreneurial firms. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 2008,(1), p.121-127.
4. An Empirical Study of Web Site Quality, Customer Value, and Customer Satisfaction. based on E-shop. The Business Review, 2006, 5(1), p190-194.
5. The Moderating Effects of Leverage and Ownership Structure on Firm Performance. Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, 2013, Kuala Lumpur
6. Service Qualities, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in SMEs Accounting. International Conference on Business and Information, 2012, Japan.
7Earnings Restatement and Stock Compensation.2011 International Conference on Financial Management and Economics, 2011, Hong Kong.
8. An Integrated Model for Accounting Service Quality. International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management, 2010, Beijing.
9. Corporate R&D, Advertising Expenditures and Firm Performance: Evidence from U. S. Information Technology Firms. American Accounting Association International Accounting Section, January 28-30, 2010, Palm Springs, California,USA.
10. Boards of Directors and Firm performance in IPO Firms. American Accounting Association Southeast Regional Meeting, April 30-May2, 2009, Mississippi, U.S.A.
11. Corporate Governance in U.S. IPO firms. Global Conference on Business and Finance, 2008, Hawaii, USA.
12. Board Independence in U.S. Entrepreneurial Firms. Association on Employment Practices and Principles annual conference, 2007, FL, USA.
13. Cross-Culture Comparison of Auditors’ Ethical Reasoning. International Academy of Business Disciplines annual conference, 2007, FL, USA
14. Web Site Quality and Customer Value as Predictors of Customer Satisfaction of E-commerce. Applied Business Research (ABR) Conference Disney World Resort, 2006,FL,USA