2013年 入选北京市高水平引进人才特聘教授 被聘为北京工业大学 教授 博士生导师
1.Dai FC, Lee CF, Deng JH, Tham LG. The 1786 earthquake-triggered landslide dam and subsequent dam-break flood on the DaduRiver, southwesternChina. Geomorphology 2005, 65: 205-221.
2.Dai FC, Lee CF, Deng JH, Tham LG. The 1786 earthquake-triggered landslide dam and subsequent dam-break flood on theDaduRiver, southwesternChina- reply. Geomorphology 2006, 73: 277-278.
3.Dai FC, Lee CF, Li J, Xu ZW. Assessment of landslide susceptibility on the natural terrain ofLantauIsland, Hong Kong. Environmental Geology 2001, 40(3): 381-391.
4.Dai FC, Lee CF, Ngai YY. Landslide risk assessment and management: an overview. Engineering Geology 2002, 64: 65-87.
5.Dai FC, Lee CF, Wang SJ, Feng YY. Stress-strain behavior of a loosely compacted volcanic-derived soil and its significance to fill slope failures. Engineering Geology 1999, 53: 359-370.
6.Dai FC, Lee CF, Wang SJ. Analysis of slide-debris flows onLantauIsland,Hong Kong. Engineering Geology 1999, 51: 279-290.
7.Dai FC, Lee CF, Wang SJ. Characterization of rainfall-induced landslides. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (23): 4817-4834.
8.Dai FC, Lee CF, Zhang XH. GIS-based geo-environmental evaluation for urban land use planning: a case study. Engineering Geology 2001, 61: 257-271.
9.Dai FC, Lee CF. A spatiotemporal probabilistic modelling of storm-induced shallow landsliding using airphotos and logistic regression. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2003, 28: 527-545.
10.Dai FC, Lee CF. Frequency-volume relation and prediction of rainfall-induced landslides. Engineering Geology 2001, 59: 253-266.
11.Dai FC, Lee CF. Landslide characteristics and slope instability modeling using GIS. Geomorphology 2002, 42(3-4): 213-228.
12.Dai FC, Lee CF. Landslides on natural terrain: physical characteristics and susceptibility mapping. Mountain Research and Development, 2002, 22(1): 40-47.
13.Dai FC, Lee CF. Terrain-based mapping of landslide susceptibility using a Geographic Information System: a case study. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2001, 38(5): 911-923.
14.Dai FC, Liu YH, Wang SJ. Urban geology: a case study of Tongchuan city,Shaanxi Province,China. Engineering Geology 1994, 38: 165-175.
15.Dai FC, Tham LG, Lee CF, Ng KC, Shum WL. Logistic regression modeling of storm-induced shallow landsliding in time and space on natural terrain ofLantauIsland,Hong Kong. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2004, 63: 315-327.
16.Dai FC, Tu XB, Xu C, Gong QM, Yao X. Rock avalanches triggered by oblique-thrusting during the 12 May 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake,China. Geomorphology 2011, 132: 300-318.
17.Dai FC, Xu C,YaoX, Xu L, Tu XB, Gong QM. Spatial distribution of landslides triggered by the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake,China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2011, 40: 883-895.
18.Dai FC,Deng JH, Tham LG, Law KT, Lee CF. A large landslide inZiguiCounty, Three Gorges area. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2004, 41(6): 1233-1240.
19.Chen J, Dai FC, Yao X. Holocene debris-flow deposits and their implications on the climate in the upper Jinsha River valley, China. Geomorphology 2008, 93(3-4): 493-500.
20.Tu XB, Dai FC, Lu XJ and Zhong HY. Toppling and stabilization of the intake slope for the Fengtan Hydropower Station enlargement project, Mid-South China. Engineering Geology 2007, 91: 152-167.
21.Tu XB, Dai FC, Pan YS. Dating of faults and estimation of surface uplift and erosion rates in the northern margin ofDabie Mountains,China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2012, 56: 72-76.
22.Li HJ, Dai FC, Li WC, Xu L, Min H. Stability assessment of a slope under a transformer substation using numerical modelling. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2011, 70(3): 385-394.
23.Xu C, Dai FC, Xu XW, Lee YH. GIS-based support vector machine modeling of earthquake-triggered landslide susceptibility in theJianjiangRiverwatershed,China. Geomorphology 2012, 145-146: 70-80.
24.Xu L, Dai FC, Gong QM, Tham LG, Min H. Irrigation-induced loess flow failure in Heifangtai Platform, North-WestChina. Environmental Earth Sciences 2012, 66(6): 1707-1713.
25.Xu L, Dai FC, Tham LG, Tu XB, Jin YL. Landslides in the Transitional Slopes between a Loess Platform and River Terrace,Northwest China. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 2011, 17: 267-279.
26.Xu L, Dai FC, Tham LG, Tu XB, Min H, Zhou YF, Wu CX, Xu K. Field testing of irrigation effects on the stability of a cliff edge in loess, North-westChina. Engineering Geology 2011, 120: 10-17.
27.Xu L, Dai FC, Tham LG, Zhou YF, Wu CX. Investigating landslide-related cracks on the edge of two loess platforms in NW China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2012, 37(10): 1023-1033.
28.Li WC, Li HJ, Dai FC, Lee LM. Discrete element modeling of a rainfall-induced flowslide. Engineering Geology 2012, 149: 22-34.
29.Tu XB, Kwong AKL, Dai FC, Tham LG, Min H. Field monitoring of rainfall infiltration in a loess slope and analysis of failure mechanism of rainfall-induced landslides. Engineering Geology 2009, 105: 134-150.
30.Xu C, Xu XW, Dai FC,SarafAK. Comparison of different models for susceptibility mapping of earthquake triggered landslides related with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake inChina. Computers & Geosciences 2012, 46: 317-329.
31.YaoX, Tham LG, Dai FC. Landslide susceptibility mapping based on Support Vector Machine: a case study on natural slopes ofHong Kong,China. Geomorphology 2008, 101(4): 572-582.
32.YaoX, Wen DG, Dai FC, Zhang YS. Discussion on causes of ground collapse pits in the foothill belt ofLongmenMountainafter 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2009, 68: 579–584.
33.Xu L, Dai FC, Tu XB, Javed I, Woodard MJ, Jin YL, Tham LG. Occurrence of landsliding on slopes where flowsliding had previously occurred: An investigation in a loess platform, North-west China. CATENA 2013, 104: 195-209.
34.Xu L, Dai FC, Chen J, Iqbal J, Qu YX. Analysis of a progressive slope failure in the Xiangjiaba reservoir area, southwestChina. Landslides 2013 (in press).
35.Chen J, Dai FC, Lv TY, Cui ZJ. Holocene landslide-dammed lake deposits in theUpperJinshaRiver, SE Tibetan Plateau and their ages. Quaternary International, In Press, Available online 20 September 2012.
(1) 中国第四纪研究会应用第四纪专业委员会 委员
(2) 工程地质学报 编委
金沙江溪洛渡水电站库岸稳定性综合研究 中国三峡工程集团公司委托
金沙江向家坝水电站库岸稳定性综合研究 中国三峡工程集团公司委托
(1)Rock avalanches triggered by oblique-thrusting during the 12 May 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, China GEOMORPHOLOGY(SCI). 2011,第一作者
(2)Spatial distribution of landslides triggered by the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, China JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES( SCI).2011,第一作者
(3)Dating of faults and estimation of surface uplift and erosion rates in the northern margin of Dabie Mountains, China JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES(SCI).2012,第二作者
(1)Geotechnical Paper of the Year 2001 Award, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.