2004年,进入加州大学河滨分校植物学与植物科学系,先后担任特聘教授、研究所所长(2004-2006)、Jane Johnson讲座教授(2007-2010)。
2015年1月,朱健康课题组在学术期刊《PLOS Genetics》发表题为“An AP Endonuclease Functions in Active DNA Dimethylation and Gene Imprinting in Arabidopsis”的新研究成果,这项研究表明,APE1L蛋白和DNA磷酸酶ZDP是胚乳中FWA及MEA基因印迹所必需的,对于种子的发育非常重要。4月,朱健康课题组在美国《国家科学院院刊》发表研究论文,揭示复苏植物旋蒴苣苔的耐旱机理。
2017年12月,朱健康课题组在学术期刊《Trends in Plant Science》发表题为“UTR-Dependent Control of Gene Expression in Plants”的综述性文章,系统的综述了UTR在调控植物基因表达方面的作用。
截至2023年3月,在Cell、Nature、Science、Nature Biotechnology等主流学术期刊发表论文超过500篇,其中19篇论文总被引次数14万余次;连续多年入选全球“高被引科学家”名单,是世界自然科学领域发表文章引用率最高的科学家之一。
1. Mahfouz MM, Li L, Shamimuzzaman M, Wibowo A, Fang X, Zhu JK. 2011. De novo-engineered transcription activator-like effector (TALE) hybrid nuclease with novel DNA binding specificity creates double-strand breaks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:2623-2628.
2. Quintero FJ, Martinez-Atienza J, Villalta I, Jiang X, Kim WY, Ali Z, Fujii H, Mendoza I, Yun DJ, Zhu JK, Pardo JM. 2011. Activation of the plasma membrane Na/H antiporter Salt-Overly-Sensitive 1 (SOS1) by phosphorylation of an auto-inhibitory C-terminal domain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:2611-2616.
3. Fujii H, Verslues PE, Zhu JK. 2011. Arabidopsis decuple mutant reveals the importance of SnRK2 kinases in osmotic stress responses in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:1717-1722.
4. Gao Z, Liu HL, Daxinger L, Pontes O, He X, Qian W, Lin H, Xie M, Lorkovic ZJ, Zhang S, Miki D, Zhan X, Pontier D, Lagrange T, Jin H, Matzke AJ, Matzke M, Pikaard CS, Zhu JK. 2010. An RNA polymerase II- and AGO4-associated protein acts in RNA-directed DNA methylation. Nature 465:106-109.
5. Ren Z, Zheng Z, Chinnusamy V, Zhu J, Cui X, Iida K, Zhu JK. 2010. RAS1, a quantitative trait locus for salt tolerance and ABA sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:5669-5674.
6. Melcher K, Ng LM, Zhou XE, Soon FF, Xu Y, Chinnusamy V, Suino-Powell KM, Kovach A, Li J, Yong EL, Zhu JK, Xu HE. 2010. Identification and Mechanism of ABA Receptor Antagonism. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17:1102-1108.
7. Liu Q, Wang J, Miki D, Xia R, Yu W, He J, Zheng Z, Zhu JK, Gong Z. 2010. DNA Replication Factor C1 Mediates Genomic Stability and Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 22:2336-2352.
8. Jin H, Zhu JK. 2010. How many ways are there to generate small RNAs? Mol. Cell 38:775-777.
9. Klingler JP, Batelli G, Zhu JK. 2010. ABA receptors: the START of a new paradigm in phytohormone signalling. J. Exp. Bot. 61:3199-3210.
10. Jin H, Zhu JK. 2010. A viral supprossor protein inhibits host RNA silencing by hooking up with Argonautes. Genes Dev. 24:853-856.
11. Law JA, Ausin I, Johnson LM, Vashisht AA, Zhu JK, Wohlschlegel JA, Jacobsen SE. 2010. A Protein Complex Required for Polymerase V Transcripts and RNA- Directed DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol. 20:951-956.
12. Zhu J, Ha Lee B, Dellinger M, Cui X, Zhang C, Wu S, Nothnagel EA, Zhu JK. 2010. A cellulose synthase-like protein is required for osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 63:128-140.
13. Yao Y, Ni Z, Peng H, Sun F, Xin M, Sunkar R, Zhu JK, Sun Q. 2010. Non-coding small RNAs responsive to abiotic stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Funct. Integr. Genomics. 10:187-190.
14. Fedoroff NV, Battisti DS, Beachy RN, Cooper PJ, Fischhoff DA, Hodges CN, Knauf VC, Lobell D, Mazur BJ, Molden D, Reynolds MP, Ronald PC, Rosegrant MW, Sanchez PA, Vonshak A, Zhu JK. 2010. Radically rethinking agriculture for the 21st century. Science 327:833-834.
15. Zheng Z, Xing Y, He XJ, Li W, Hu Y, Yadav SK, Oh J, Zhu JK. 2010. An SGS3-like protein functions in RNA-directed DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 62:92-99.
16. Fujii H, Chinnusamy V, Rodrigues A, Rubio S, Antoni R, Park SY, Cutler SR, Sheen J, Rodriguez PL, Zhu JK. 2009. In vitro reconstitution of an abscisic acid signalling pathway. Nature 462:660-664.
17. He XJ, Hsu YF, Zhu S, Liu HL, Pontes O, Zhu J, Cui X, Wang CS, Zhu JK. 2009. A conserved transcriptional regulator is required for RNA-directed DNA methylation and plant development. Genes Dev. 23:2717-2722.
18. Melcher K, Ng LM, Zhou XE, Soon FF, Xu Y, Suino-Powell KM, Park SY, Weiner JJ, Fujii H, Chinnusamy V, Kovach A, Li J, Wang Y, Li J, Peterson FC, Jensen DR, Yong EL, Volkman BF, Cutler SR, Zhu JK, Xu HE. 2009. A gate-latch-lock mechanism for hormone signalling by abscisic acid receptors. Nature 462:602-608.
19. Zhu JK. 2009. Active DNA Demethylation Mediated by DNA Glycosylases. Annu. Rev. Genet. 43:143-166.
20. Yang Q, Chen ZZ, Zhou XF, Yin HB, Li X, Xin XF, Hong XH, Zhu JK, Gong Z. 2009. Overexpression of SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) Genes Increases Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 2:22-31.
21. He XJ, Hsu YF, Zhu S, Wierzbicki AT, Pontes O, Pikaard CS, Liu HL, Wang CS, Jin H, Zhu JK. 2009. An effector of RNA-directed DNA methylation in Arabidopsis is an ARGONAUTE 4-and RNA-binding protein. Cell 137:498-508.
22. Park SY, Fung P, Nishimura N, Jensen DR, Fujii H, Zhao Y, Lumba S, Santiago J, Rodrigues A, Chow TF, Alfred SE, Bonetta D, Finkelstein R, Provart NJ, Desveaux D, Rodriquez PL, McCourt P, Zhu JK, Schroeder JI, Volkman BR, Cutler SR. 2009. Abscisic acid inhibits type 2C protein phosphatases via the PYR/PYL family of ABA binding START proteins. Science 324:1068-1071.
23. Fujii H, Zhu JK. 2009. Arabidopsis mutant deficient in three abscisic acid-activated protein kinases reveals critical roles in growth, reproduction and stress. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106:8380-8685.
24. Bertorello AM, Zhu JK. 2009. SIK1/SOS2 networks: decoding sodium signals via calcium-responsive protein kinase pathways. Pflugers Arch. 458:613-619.
25. He XJ, Hsu YF, Pontes O, Zhu J, Lu J, Bressan RA, Pikaard C, Wang CS, Zhu JK. 2009. NRPD4, a protein related to the RPB4 subunit of RNA polymerase II, is a component of RNA polymerase IV and V and is required for RNA-dicrected DNA methylation. Genes Dev. 23:318-330.
26. Chinnusamy V, Zhu JK. 2009. Epigenetic regulation of stress responses in plants. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 12:133-139.
27. Fujii H, Zhu JK. 2009. An autophosphorylation site of the protein kinase SOS2 is important for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant. 2:183-190.
28. Dong CH, Zolman BK, Bartel B, Lee BH, Stevenson B, Agarwal M, Zhu JK. 2009. Disruption of Arabidopsis CHY1 reveals an important role of metabolic status in plant cold stress signaling. Mol. Plant. 2:59-72.
29. Bressan R, Bohnert H, Zhu JK. 2009. Abiotic stress tolerance: from gene discovery in model organisms to crop improvement. Mol. Plant. 2:1-2.
Stress Biology主编,Research、National ScienceReview、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology编委会编委,Molecular Plant、PlantCommunication、The Innovation、Horticulture Research编委顾问组成员。