1.Yibo Li, Chuchuan Fan, Yongzhong Xing, Peng Yun, Lijun Luo, Bao Yan, Bo Peng, Weibo Xie, Gongwei Wang, Xianghua Li, Caiguo Xu & Yuqing He*.Chalk5encodes a vacuolar H-translocating pyrophosphatase influencing grain chalkiness in rice.Nat Genet, 2014, 46: 398-404
2.Yibo Li, Chuchuan Fan, Yongzhong Xing, Yunhe Jiang, Lijun Luo, Liang Sun, Di Shao, Chunjue Xu, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao, Yuqing He* & Qifa Zhang*.Natural variation inGS5plays an important role in regulating grain size and yield in rice.Nat Genet, 2011, 43: 1266-1269
3. Bo Peng*, Huili Kong*,Yibo Li, Lingqiang Wang, Ming Zhong, Liang Sun, Guanjun Gao, Qinglu Zhang, Lijun Luo, Gongwei Wang, Weibo Xie, Junxiao Chen, Wen Yao, Yong Peng, Lei Lei, Xingmin Lian, Jinghua Xiao, Caiguo Xu, Xianghua Li & Yuqing He*.OsAAP6functions as an important regulator of grain protein content and nutritional quality in rice.Nat Commun, 2014, 5: 4847 doi: 10.1038/ncomms5847(第二作者,设计了本研究部分实验)
4.Chunjue Xu, Yu Liu,Yibo Li, Xiaodong Xu, Caiguo Xu, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao &Qifa Zhang*. Differential expression ofGS5regulates grain size in rice.J Exp Bot. 2015, 66:2611-2623 (做了本研究部分实验)
5.Yibo Li, Changjun Wu, Yongzhong Xing, Huilan Chen, Yuqing He*. Dynamic QTL analysis for rice blast resistance under natural infection conditions.Aust J Crop Sci, 2008, 2: 73-82
6.Yibo Li,Changjun Wu, Gonghao Jiang, Yuqing He*. Dynamic analysis of rice blast resistance for the assessment of genetic and environmental effects.Plant Breeding, 2007, 126: 541-547
1. 现担任国际SCI期刊Molecular Breeding的执行主编(禾本科)(Managing Editor for Cereals),《
2. 为PNAS、Molecular Plant、Plant Biotechnology Journal (PBJ)、Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG)、Molecular Breeding、Plant Science、Crop Science、Plant Molecular Biology Reporter、PLOS One、Crop & Pasture Science、Plant Genome、Plant Growth Regulation、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (JIPB)、Rice、International Journal of Agriculture and Biology、Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A & B (JAST)、The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences、Journal of Genetics & Genomics (JGG)、作物学报和中国农业科学等国内外刊物审稿服务。
1.Yibo Li. Genetic Regulation of Rice Grain Size and Chalkiness. 2019 (Changsha) International Forum on Rice Development and Seminar on China-Africa Rice Development. Jun 25-30, 2019, Changsha, China (Invited Speaker)
2.Yibo Li. Genetic and molecular regulation of grain chalkiness in rice.The XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC 2017). July 23-29, 2017, Shenzhen, China (Invited Speaker)
3.Yibo Li. Regulation of grain chalkiness by Chalk5 in rice. The 7th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology 2017 (CMCB 2017). April 25-27, 2017, AnXi, China (Invited Speaker)
4. Yibo Li. Genetic and molecular control of grain chalkiness in rice.13 International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG 13th). Sept. 21–24, 2015, Wuhan, China (Invited Speaker)
5. Yibo Li. Chalk5 regulates grain chalkiness, a trait affecting quality and head rice yield. International Plant & Animal Genome Congress XXII (PAG XXII). January 11–15, 2014, San Diego, CA,USA(Invited Speaker)
6. Yibo Li. Chalk5 regulates grain chalkiness, a trait affecting quality and head rice yield. International Symposium on Improving the Sensory Properties of Cereal Food: Structure, Function and Genetic relations. November 24–26, 2013, Wuhan, China (Invited Speaker)
7. Yibo Li. Cloning and functional analysis of GS5 controlling grain size/weight and yield, and Chalk5 controlling grain chalkiness and quality in rice. National Symposium on Life Science Frontiers and Agricultural Biotechnology. July 18–21, 2012, Wuhan, China (Abstract, Poster and Speaker, Best Speaker Award)
8. Yibo Li. Cloning and functional analysis of GS5 controlling grain size/weight and yield, and Chalk5 controlling grain chalkiness and quality in rice. The third International Symposium on Genomics and Crop Genetic Improvement (3rd GCGI), June 30–July 5, 2012, Wuhan, China (Abstract and Invited Speaker)
Research interest and importance:
Regulation of Grain Size & Chalkiness in Rice(Rice Seed Biology)
Grain size or shapeis a major and very stable determinant of grain yield, an important appearance quality trait, a target trait of crop domestication and a wonderful system of pattern formation research in seed morphogenesis.Grain chalkinessin rice, a chalky texture of endosperm, which greatly and generally deteriorates many other quality traits, such as appearance quality, eating and cooking quality, head rice yield and market value, is a highly undesirable quality trait in marketing and consumption of rice grain, and is the most important quality trait. Both grain size and grain chalkiness are involved in important science questions ofGrain Yield andQuality,Seed Initiation and Development, and consistent withNational Strategic Needsin China and other countries.
So the research goals of our lab are:
To discover the universal mechanisms regulating grain size/shape and chalkiness in rice;
To define high-temperature mechanisms promoting grain chalkiness formation in rice.
Little Seeds, Great Dreams!