1. 国家杰出青年科学基金(2007)
2. 中国青年科技奖(2007)
3. 上海市科学技术奖一等奖(2010)(排名第二):节水抗旱水稻不育系、杂交组合选育和抗旱基因发掘技术
4. 农业科研杰出人才(2012)
5. 全国优秀科研工作者(2012)
6. 湖北省自然科学一等奖(2013),水稻抗旱基因鉴定和功能分析,排名第一(独立完成单位)。
7. 国家技术发明二等奖(2013),水稻抗旱基因资源挖掘和节水抗旱稻创制,排名第三(第二完成单位)
8. 国家百千万人才工程(2014)
9. “长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授(2015)
10. 科技部中青年科技创新领军人才(2016)
11. 第三批“万人计划”领军人才(2018)
1. Ma S, Tang N*, Li X, Xie Y, Xiang D, Fu J, Shen J, Yang J, Tu H, Li X, Hu H, Xiong L*(2019), Reversible histone H2B monoubiquitination fine-tunes abscisic acid signaling and drought response in rice. Molecular Plant. 12(2):263-277
2. Guo Z, Yang W*, Chang Y, Ma X, Tu H, Xiong F, Jiang N, Feng H, Huang C, Yang P, Zhao H, Chen G, Liu H, Luo L, Hu H, Liu Q, Xiong L*(2018), Genome-wide association studies of image traits reveal the genetic architecture of drought resistance in rice, Molecular Plant. 11(6):789-805
3. Du H, Huang F, Wu N, Li X, Hu H, Xiong L* (2018). Integrative regulation of drought escape through ABA dependent and independent pathways in Rice. Molecular Plant. 11(4):584-597
4. Shen J, Liu J, Xie K, Xing F, Xiong F, Xiao J, Li X, Xiong L*, Translational repression by a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element in the 3’untranslated region. Nature Communications, 2017, 8:14651. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14651
5. Tang N , Ma S, Zong W, Yang N, Lv Y, Yan C, Guo Z, Li J, Li X, Xiang Y, Song H, Xiao J, Li X, Xiong L *(2016) MODD mediates deactivation and degradation of OsbZIP46 to negatively regulate ABA signaling and drought resistance in rice. Plant Cell. 28: 2161-2177.
6. Yang W, Guo Z, Huang C, Duan L, Chen G, Jiang N, Fang W, Feng H, Xie W, Lian X, Wang G, Luo Q, Zhang Q, Liu Q*, Xiong L* (2014) Combining high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to reveal natural genetic variation in rice. Nature Communications. 8(5):5087
7. Hu H, Xiong L* (2014) Genetic Engineering and Breeding of Drought-Resistant Crops. Annual Review Plant Biology. 65:715-741
8. Zhu X, Xiong L* (2013) Putative megaenzyme DWA1 plays essential roles in drought resistance by regulating stress-induced wax deposition in rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America. 110(44): 17790-17795
9. Yang W, Duan L, Chen G, Xiong L*, Liu Q* (2013) Plant phenomics and high-throughput phenotyping: accelerating rice functional genomics using multidisciplinary technologies. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 16(2):180-187
10. Fukao T*, Xiong L* (2013) Genetic mechanisms conferring adaptation to submergence and drought in rice: simple or complex? Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 16(2):196-204
11. Ning J, Zhang B, Wang N, Zhou Y, Xiong L* (2011) Increased Leaf Angle1 (ILA1), A Raf-Like MAPKKK That Interacts with a Nuclear Protein Family, Regulates Mechanical Tissue Formation in the Lamina Joint of Rice. Plant Cell. 23: 4334-4347
12. Hou X, Xie K, Yao J, Qi Z, Xiong L* (2009) A homolog of human ski-interacting protein in rice positively regulates cell viability and stress tolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America. 106:6410-6415
13. Hu H, Dai M, Yao J, Xiao B, Li X, Zhang Q, Xiong L* (2006) Overexpressing a NAM, ATAF, and CUC (NAC) transcription factor enhances drought resistance and salt tolerance in rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America. 103: 12987-12992