1. 2001年-2005年,社会学学士,
2. 2005年-2008年,社会学硕士,
3. 2008年-2012年,社会学博士,
4. 2009年-2011年,统计学硕士,
2. 2014年至今,复旦大学社会转型研究中心副主任
1. 2012年-2013年,复旦大学社会学系讲师
2. 2013年-2015年,复旦大学社会学系副教授
3. 2015年至今,复旦大学社会学系教授
1. “社会转型与“孝文化”的变迁研究”,国家社科基金青年项目,编号:15CSH030
2. “当代中国教育成就对健康状况的影响”,教育部青年基金项目,编号:13YJC840014
3. “教育成就与社会分层:婚姻匹配的视角”,2013年度“晨光计划”项目,编号:13CG06
4. “当代中国高等教育与社会公平研究” 2015年度
2. 胡安宁.2015. 《
1. 胡安宁.2015. 宗教组织拓扑结构的“理想型”及其社会学启示. 《
1.Hu, Anning. 2012. “The Religious Question in Modern China” (By Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011), Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review 73(2): 230-231.
1. 胡安宁,王益鸿. 2007. “论上海社区社工的异化——兼评上海社区社会工作的两个个案”,《社会工作》03:21- 24.
2. 胡安宁. 2012. “倾向值匹配与因果推论:方法论述评”, 《社会学研究》01:221-242.
3. 胡安宁. 2012. “民间宗教的社会学人类学研究:述评和展望”,《
中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》01: 61-72.
4. 胡安宁,周怡. 2013. “再议儒家文化对一般信任的负效应——一项基于2007年中国居民调查数据的考察”,《社会学研究》02: 28-54.
5. 胡安宁,周怡. 2013. “一般信任模式的跨部门差异及其中介机制:基于2010年中国综合社会调查的研究”,《社会》33(4): 60-82.
6. 周怡,胡安宁.2014. “有信仰的资本:温州民营企业主慈善捐赠行为研究”,《社会学研究》第1期 【本文全文曾刊发于《
中国社会科学内部文稿》,英文版发表于 The Journal of Chinese Sociology】.
7. 胡安宁.2014. “社会参与、信任类型与精神健康:基于CGSS2005的考察”,《社会科学》 第4期.
8. 胡安宁.2014. “教育能否让我们更健康——基于2010年中国综合社会调查的城乡比较分析”,《
中国社会科学》 第5期. 【《新华文摘》2014年第19期转载,并被评选为上海市社联2014年十大推介论文,英文版发表于Social Science in China】
1. Yang, Fenggang and Anning Hu. 2012. “Mapping Folk Religion in China”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51 (3): 505–521.
2. Hu, Anning and Reid Leamaster. 2013. “Longitudinal Trends of Religious Groups in Deregulated Taiwan: 1990-2009.” The Sociological Quarterly 54 (2): 167–190.
3. Hu, Anning. 2013. “Proliferation of Educational Credentials, Changing Economic Returns, and the Rising Occupational Education Requirement: Evidence in Urban China from 2003 to 2008.” International Sociology 28(4): 448- 466.
4. Hu, Anning. 2013. “Public Sector Employment, Relative Deprivation and Happiness in Adult Urban Chinese Employees.” Health Promotion International 28 (3): 477-486.
5. Hu, Anning. 2013. “Generalized Trust among Christians in Urban China: Analysis based on Propensity Score Matching.” Current Sociology 61(7): 1021-1039.
6. Hu, Anning and Jacob Hibel. 2013. “Educational Attainment and Self-Rated Health in Contemporary China: A Survey-based Study in 2010.” Social Science Journal 50(4): 674–680.
7. Zhou, Yi and Anning Hu. 2013. “The Radius of Generalized Trust in Contemporary China.” Chinese Sociological Review 46(2): 63-90.
8. Hu, Anning. 2014. “The Health Benefits of College Education in Urban China: Selection Bias and Heterogeneity.” Social Indicators Research 115(3): 1101-1121.
9. Hu, Anning and Jacob Hibel. 2014. “Changes in College Attainment and the Economic Returns to a College Degree in Urban China, 2003- 2010: Implications for Social Equality.” Social Science Research 44: 173–186.
10. Hu, Anning and Fenggang Yang. 2014. “Trajectories of Folk Religion in Deregulated Taiwan: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis.” Chinese Sociological Review 46(3): 80-100.
11. Leamaster, Reid and Anning Hu. 2014. “Popular Buddhists: The Relationship between Popular Religious Involvement and Buddhist Identity in Contemporary China.” Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review 75(2): 234-259.
12. Hu, Anning. 2014. “Gifts of Money and Gifts of Time: Folk Religion and Civic Involvement in a Chinese Society.” Review of Religious Research 56(2): 313-335.
14. Hu, Anning and Jacob Hibel. 2015. “Increasing Heterogeneity in the Economic Returns to Higher Education in Urban China.” Social Science Journal 52: 322-330.
15. Hu, Anning. 2015. “The Changing Happiness-Enhancing Effect of a College Degree under Higher Education Expansion: Evidence from China.” Journal of Happiness Studies 16(3): 669-685.
16. Hu, Anning and Reid Leamaster. 2015. “Intergenerational Religious Mobility in Contemporary China.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 54(1):79–99.
17. Hu, Anning. 2015. “A Loosening Tray of Sand? Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Generalized Trust in Reform-Era China, 1990-2007.” Social Science Research 51: 233–246.
18. Hu, Anning and Nicholas Vargas. 2015. “Economic Consequences of Horizontal Stratification in Postsecondary Education: Evidence from Urban China.” Higher Education 70: 337-358.
19. Hu, Anning and Zhenchao Qian. 2015. “Educational Homogamy and Earnings Inequality of Married Couples: Urban China, 1988-2007.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 40: 1-15.
20. Hu, Anning and Jacob Hibel. 2015. “Where Do STEM Majors Lose Their Advantage? Contextualizing Horizontal Stratification of Higher Education in Urban China.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 41: 66-78.
21. Hu, Anning. 2015. “Evaluating Educational Inequality within Educational Expansion:A Formal Comparison between Odds Ratio and the Educational Gini Coefficient.” Journal of Mathematical Sociology 39 (4): 280-303.
22. Hu, Anning. 2015. “Investigating the Connection between Science and This-Worldly Oriented Superstition: A Research Note on the Case of School Adolescents in Urban China.” Review of Religious Research 57(4): 575-586.
23. Hu, Anning and Sarah Mustillo. 2016. “Recent Development of Propensity Score Methods in Observational Studies: Multi-Categorical Treatment, Causal Mediation, and Heterogeneity.” Current Sociology: 64(1) 60 –82.
24. Hu, Anning. 2016. “Ancestor Worship in Contemporary China: An Empirical Investigation.” China Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China 16(1): 169-186.
25. Hu, Anning. Online first. “Two Approaches to Counterfactual Decomposition: Clarification and Illustration.” Social Currents
26. Bryant, Gregory A., Daniel M. T. Fessler, Riccardo Fusaroli, Edward Clint, Lene Aarøe, Coren L. Apicella, Michael Bang Petersen, Shaneikiah T. Bickham, Alexander Bolyanatz, Brenda Chavez, Delphine De Smet, Cinthya Díaz, Jana Fančovičová, Michal Fux, Paulina Giraldo-Perez, Anning Hu, Shanmukh V. Kamble, Tatsuya Kameda, Norman P. Li, Francesca R. Luberti, Pavol Prokop, Katinka Quintelier, Brooke A. Scelza, Hyun Jung Shin, Montserrat Soler, Stefan Stieger, Wataru Toyokawa, Ellis A. van den Hende, Hugo Viciana-Asensio, Saliha Elif Yildizhan, Jose C. Yong, Tessa Yuditha, and Yi Zhou. 2016. “Detecting Affiliation in Co-Laughter across 24 Societies.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(17): 4682–4687.