1990-07--1995-07 济宁医学院 学士
1995-07--1999-07 济宁医学院 教师
1999-07--2004-07 复旦大学 博士
2004-07--2005-10 济宁医学院 教师
2005-10--2009-03 美国威斯康星大学从事博士后研究
2009-04--2010-09 美国威斯康星大学助理科学家
2011-02 中国科学院动物研究所 研究员
胶质细胞。发现人干细胞神经分化的独特性,人iPS细胞神经分化潜能的差异以及其可能原因。研究发表于PNAS, Development,Stem Cells等杂志,曾被Nature、Science及Development等专题评述。这些成果在解答
1. 神经分化机制。用多能干细胞定向分化和细胞重编程为模型,研究神经分化中细胞外信号、转录程序、转录前后表观遗传学因素如何协同指导多能干细胞向某一特定类型
2. 人类发育和细胞分化的独特性。以人多能干细胞神经定向分化系统为基础,利用比较生物学和生物信息学方法发掘决定人类高级功能和独特性状的调控元件及调控机制。利用携带
3. 干细胞医学转化。以定向分化为基础,完善规模化细胞分化和体细胞直接转分化为特定细胞类型的方法。与相关领域合作,建立细胞产品应用于细胞替代和药物筛选的标准评估体系
中国科学院”百人计划”项目 2011-2013。
(1) 人特异性miRNA-F1对人脑发育调控研究,主持,国家级,2015-01--2019-12
(2) 体外定向分化神经干细胞移植及功能整合,参与,国家级,2014-01--2018-12
(3) 神经外胚层细胞R-C化和D-V化的调控网络,主持,国家级,2012-12--2016-12
(4) 人多能干细胞分化神经细胞移植的免疫耐受诱导,主持,院级级,2012-08--2015-12
(5) 干细胞与神经再生,主持,院级级,2012-07--2015-06
(6) 人多能干细胞来源OLIG2+前体细胞向运动神经元的分化调控,主持,国家级,2012-01--2015-12
(7) 灵长类ES和iPS细胞分化为多巴胺神经细胞,参与,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
(8) 干细胞医学转化研究,主持,院级级,2011-02--2013-02
Li Z, Wan H, Feng G, Wang L, He Z, Wang Y, Wang X, Li W, Zhou Q, Hu B. Birth of fertile bimaternal offspring following intracytoplasmic injection of parthenogenetic haploid embryonic stem cells
Jiang Y, Du M, Wu M, Zhu Y, Zhao X, Cao X, Li X, Long P, Li W, Hu B. Phosphatidic Acid Improves Reprogramming to Pluripotency by Reducing Apoptosis
Wan H, Feng C, Teng F, Yang S, Hu B, Niu Y, Xiang A, Fang W, Ji W, Li W, Zhao X, Zhou Q. One-step generation of p53 gene biallelic mutant Cynomolgus monkey via the CRISPR/Cas system
Zhu H, Tan Y, Gu Q, Han W, Li Z, Meyer J, Hu B. Regulations in the United States for cell transplantation clinical trials in neurological diseases
Chen H, Qian K, Chen W, Hu B, Blackbourn L, Du Z, Ma L, Liu H, Knobel K, Ayala M, Zhang S. Human-derived neural progenitors functionally replace astrocytes in adult mice
Wang S, Li W, Wang S, Hu B. Rapid and efficient assembly of transcription activator-like effector genes by USER cloning
Wu M, Chen G, Hu B. Induced pluripotency for translational research
Jiang Y, Zhang M, Hu B. Specification of functional neurons and glia from human pluripotent stem cells
Ma L, Hu B, Liu Y, Vermilyea S, Liu H, Gao L, Sun Y, Zhang X, Zhang S. Human embryonic stem cell-derived GABA neurons correct locomotion deficits in quinolinic acid-lesioned mice
Hu B, Zhang S. Directed differentiation of neural-stem cells and subtype-specific neurons from hESCs
Hu B, Weick J, Yu J, Ma L, Zhang X, Thomson J, Zhang S. Neural differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells follows developmental principles but with variable potency
Hu B, Zhang S. Differentiation of spinal motor neurons from pluripotent human stem cells
Hu B, Du Z, Zhang S. Differentiation of human oligodendrocytes from pluripotent stem cells
Hu B, Du Z, Li X, Ayala M, Zhang S. Human oligodendrocytes from embryonic stem cells: conserved SHH signaling networks and divergent FGF effects
Du Z, Hu B, Ayala M, Sauer B, Zhang S. Cre recombination-mediated cassette exchange for building versatile transgenic human embryonic stem cells lines
Li X, Hu B, Jones S, Zhang Y, Lavaute T, Du Z, Zhang S. Directed differentiation of ventral spinal progenitors and motor neurons from human embryonic stem cells by small molecules
Zhang SC, Hu BY, Du ZW. Myelinating Oligodendrocyte Precursor Populations, US patent
Zhang SC, Hu BY, Du ZW. Method of Generating Myelinating Oligodendrocytes from Embryonic Stem Cells