男, 1957年10月出生,水生生物研究所研究员,博士生导师,党委书记,副所长。曾任中国科学院水生生物研究所副所长。
分支系统学分子系统学研究上也取得了较好的研究进展。在生物技术方面,近年来对类球藻(Nautococcus mammilatus)生活史的研究,首次展现该藻漂浮帽的超微结构;发现鞘藻属中一种新的细胞分裂方式和帽状结构及其系统学
1.Zhang Qi, Zhu Huan, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*. 2016. Blooms of the woloszynskioid dinoflagellateTovellia diexiensissp. nov. (Dinophyceae) in Baishihai Lake at the eastern edge of Tibetan Plateau. Algae, 31(3): 205-217.
2.Zhao Zhijuan, Zhu Huan, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2016.Rhizoclonium ramosumsp. nov. (Cladophorales, Chlorophyta), a new freshwater algal species from China. Fottea, 16(1): 12–21.
3.Song Huiyin, Zhang Qi, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2015.Polulichloris henanensisgen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel subaerial coccoid green alga. Phytotaxa, 218(2): 137–146.
4.Zhu Huan, Zhao Zhijuan, Xia Shuang, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*. 2014. Morphology and phylogenetic position ofStomatochroon reniformisvar.chinensisvar. nov. (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae), a rare endobiotic alga from China. Phycologia. 53: 493-504.
5.Xia Shuang, Zhang Qi, Zhu Huan, Cheng Yingyin, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2013. Systematics of a kleptoplastidal dinoflagellate,Gymnodinium eucyaneumHu (Dinophyceae), and Its cryptomonad endosymbiont. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53820.
6.Xia Shuang, Zhu Huan, Cheng Yingyin, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2013. Phylogenetic position ofEcballocystisandEcballocystopsis(Chlorophyta). Fottea, 13(1):65-75.
7.Zhu Huan, Xia Shuang, Zhang Qi, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2013. Phylogenetic position ofJaoa, a green algal genus endemic to China. Phycological Research. 61:226-236.
8.Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2013. New observations on a rare endobiotic green alga, Stomatochroon lagerheimii, from a tropical area in China. Nova Hedwigia. 97:429-436.
10.Liu Guoxiang*, Zhang Qi; Zhu Huan and Hu Zhengyu. 2012. Massive Trentepohlia-bloom in a glacier valley of Mt. Gongga, China, and a new variety ofTrentepohlia(Chlorophyta). PLoS ONE 7(7): e37725.
11.Zhang, Qi. Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu*. 2011. Morphological differences and molecular phylogeny of freshwater blooming species,Peridiniopsisspp. (Dinophyceae) from China. European Journal of Protistology, 47:149-160.通讯作者
12.Pei Guofeng, Liu Guoxiang and Hu Zhengyu. 2010. A comparative study of benthic algal colonization in shallow lakes of China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 25: 403-411.通讯作者
13.Liu Guoxiang*, Pei Guofeng and Hu Zhengyu. 2008.Peridiniopsis nieisp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new species of freshwater red tide dinoflagellates from China. Nova Hedwigia, 87:487-499.
14.Deng Zhongyang, Hu Qiang, Lu Fan, Liu Guoxiang and Hu Zhengyu*. 2008. Colony development and physiological characterization of the edible blue-green alga,Nostoc sphaeroides(Nostocaceae, Cyanophyta). Progress in Natural Science, 18:1475-1483.
15.Qin Shan, Liu Guoxiang and Hu Zhengyu*. 2008. The accumulation and metabolism of astaxanthin inScenedesmus obliquus(Chlorophyceae). Process Biochemistry, 43: 795-802.
16.Han Danxiang and Hu Zhengyu. 2007. Mutations stabilize small subunit ribosomal RNA in desiccation-tolerant cyanobacteria Nostoc. Current Microbiology, 54:254-259.通讯作者
17.Mei Hong, Luo Wei, Liu Guoxiang and Hu Zhengyu. 2007. Phylogeny of Oedogoniales (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta) inferred from 18S rDNA sequences with emphasis on the relationships in the genusOedogoniumbased on ITS-2 sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 65: 179–191.
18.Pei Guofeng, Liu Guoxiang and Hu Zhengyu. 2006. Variation of benthic diatoms in a shallow, eutrophic Chinese Lake, Lake Donghu. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 21:277-284.通讯作者
21.况琪军,胡征宇。2005。湖泊富营养化的藻类生物学评价与治理研究进展。安全与环境学报,5: 87-91。通讯作者
22.毕永红,胡征宇,邓中洋,徐敏。2005。发状念珠藻对盐胁迫的响应。水生生物学报,29: 125-129。通讯作者
23.况琪军,胡征宇,毕永红,周广杰,蔡庆华。2005。三峡水库蓄水前后浮游植物调查及水环境初步分析。水生生物学报,29: 353-358。通讯作者