2017年 - 中科院力学所 研究员
2014年1月 - 2017年 中科院力学所 副研究员
2011年7月 - 2013年12月 中科院力学所 助理研究员
2006年9月 - 2011年6月 中科院力学所 理学博士
2001年9月 - 2006年6月
同济大学 工学学士
微纳米力学工作组 组员兼秘书长
北京力学会-青年工作委员会, 委员
2015年,中国科协“青年人才托举工程” (力学共6名)
2014年,国家自然科学二等奖 (第二完成人)
在JFM (力学)、PRL (物理)、JACS (化学)、Nano Lett. (纳米)等国际权威刊物发表SCI论文20余篇,SCI他引450余次。
21. Lin K, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP and Cheng CM. Which is the most efficient candidate for the recovery of confined methane: water, carbon dioxide or nitrogen? Extreme Mechanics Letters
20. Yuan QZ, Shen WH and Zhao YP. Physical mechanics investigations of moving contact lines. Advances in Mechanics
19. Chen EH, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Dynamic polygonal spreading of a droplet on a lyphilic pillar-arrayed surface. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
18. Zhao YP, Chen JC, Yuan QZ and Cheng CM. Microcrack connectivity in rocks: a real-space renormalization group approach for 3D anisotroopic bond percolation. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
17. Yuan QZ, Zhu XY, Lin K and Zhao YP. Molecular dynamics simulations of enhanced recovery of confined methane with carbon dioxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
16. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Statics and dynamics of electrowetting on pillar-arrayed surfaces at nanoscale. Nanoscale
15. Yuan QZ, Huang XF and Zhao YP. Dynamic spreading on pillar-arrayed surfaces: viscous resistance versus molecular friction.Physics of Fluids
14. Zhu XY, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Phase transitions of water overlayer on charged graphene: From electromelting to electrofreezing. Nanoscale
13. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Multiscale dynamic wetting of a droplet on a lyophilic pillar-arrayed surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics
12. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Wetting on flexible hydrophilic pillar-arrays. Scientific Reports
11. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Topology-dominated dynamic wetting of the precursor chain in a hydrophilic interior corner. Proceedings of the Royal Society A
10. Zhu XY, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Capillary wave propagation during the delamination of graphene by the precursor films in electro-elasto-capillarity. Scientific Reports
9. Cao H, Yuan QZ, Zhu X, Zhao YP, Liu MH. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Achiral Amino Acid Derivatives into Dendritic Chiral Nanotwists. Langmuir
8. Cun HY, et al. Tuning Structural and Mechanical Properties of Two-Dimensional Molecular Crystals: The Roles of Carbon Side Chains. Nano Letters
7. Qin XC, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP, et al. Measurement of the rate of water translocation through carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters
6. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Precursor film in dynamic wetting, electrowetting and electro-elasto-capillarity. Physical Review Letters
5. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Hydroelectric voltage generation based on water-filled single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of the American Chemical Society
4. Yuan QZ, Zhao YP, Li LM and Wang TH. Ab initio study of ZnO based gas sensing mechanisms: Surface reconstruction and charge transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
3. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Transport properties and induced voltage in the structure of water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotubes. Biomicrofluidics
2. Zang JL, Yuan QZ, Wang FC and Zhao YP. A comparative study of Young’s modulus of single-walled carbon nanotube by CPMD, MD, and first principle simulations. Computational Materials Science
1. Wang BB, Xie JJ, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP. Growth mechanism and joint structure of ZnO tetrapods. Journal of Physics
英国 Royal Society - Newton Mobility Grant。