1989年,提前获得加州大学伯克利分校植物生理及分子生物学博士学位,并获得美国生命科学基金会的博士后奖学金,之后在美国农业部与伯克利分校合办的研究所里进行博士后研究,研究课题是:拟南芥光形态建成的分子遗传学分析以及燕麦光敏色素A(phy A)基因的核蛋白与启动子相互作用的活体DNase指纹分析。
2003年,应邀担任北京生命科学研究所共同所长。同年担任耶鲁大学Daniel C. Eaton植物生物学冠名讲席教授。
2014年,邓兴旺教授实验室在《美国科学公共图书馆·遗传》发表了题为Photoactivated UVR8-COP1 Module Determines Photomorphogenic UV-B Signaling Output in Arabidopsis的研究论文,揭示了在拟南芥UV-B光受体UVR8如何在植物体内感受UV-B信号并进行信号转导的机制。
2015年,邓兴旺研究组在《美国科学学院院报》发表题为“Arabidopsis DET1 degrades HFR1 but stabilizes PIF1 to precisely regulate seed germination”的研究论文,该工作首次鉴定到了光调控种子萌发的中心抑制子,并阐述了不同光照条件精确调控植物种子萌发的分子机理。
2016年,邓兴旺研究组在《美国科学学院院报》发表题为“BBX21, an Arabidopsis B-box protein, directly activates HY5 and is targeted by COP1 for 26S proteasome-mediated degradation”的研究论文,该项研究揭示了一个光调控植物幼苗形态建成的重要分子机制,为进一步理解光调控植物生长发育信号通路具有重要意义。
2016年,邓兴旺研究组在《美国科学学院院报》发表题为“Noncanonical role of Arabidopsis COP1/SPA complex in repressing BIN2-mediated PIF3 phosphorylation and degradation in darkness”的研究成果,该研究结果对于深入发掘动植物中COP1的新功能与作用机制提供了重要启示。
He H, Zhang H, Wang X, Wu N, Yang X, Chen R, Li Y,Deng XWand Li L. , Development of a versatile, target-oriented tiling microarray assay for measuring allele-specific gene expression , Genomics , 2010 , 96(5):308-15
He G, Zhu X, Elling AA, Chen L, Wang X, Guo L, Liang M, He H, Zhang H, Chen F, Qi Y, Chen R andDeng XW. , Global Epigenetic and Transcriptional Trends among Two Rice Subspecies and Their Reciprocal Hybrids , Plant Cell , 2010 , 22:17-33
Zhou J, Wang X, He K, Charron JB, Elling AA andDeng XW. , Genome-wide profiling of histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation and dimethylation in Arabidopsis reveals correlation between multiple histone marks and gene expression , Plant Mol Biol , 2010 , Volume 72, Number 6, 585-595
Chen H, Huang X, Gusmaroli G, Terzaghi W, Lau OS, Yanagawa Y, Zhang Y, Li J, Lee JH, Zhu D andDeng XW, Arabidopsis CULLIN4-Damaged DNA Binding Protein 1 Interacts with CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1-SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA Complexes to Regulate Photomorphogenesis and Flowering Time , Plant Cell , 2010 , 22:108-123
Charron JB, He H, Elling AA andDeng XW, Dynamic Landscapes of Four Histone Modifications during Deetiolation in Arabidopsis , Plant Cell , 2009 , 21:3732-3748
Wang F, Zhu D, Huang X, Li S, Gong Y, Yao Q, Fu X, Fan LM andDeng XW. , Biochemical Insights on Degradation of Arabidopsis DELLA Proteins Gained From a Cell-Free Assay System , Plant Cell , 2009 , 21: 2378-2390
He K, Li X, Zhou J,Deng XW, Zhao H and Luo J. , NTAP: for NimbleGen tiling array ChIP-chip data analysis , Bioinformatics , 2009 , 25:1838-40
Wang X, Elling AA, Li X, Li N, Peng Z, He G, Sun H, Qi Y, Liu XS, andDeng XW. , Genome-Wide and Organ-Specific Landscapes of Epigenetic Modifications and Their Relationships to mRNA and Small RNA Transcriptomes in Maize , Plant Cell , 2009 , 21:1053-1069
Shen Y, Zhou Z, Feng S, Li J, Tan-Wilson A, Qu LJ, Wang H andDeng XW. , Phytochrome A Mediates Rapid Red Light-Induced Phosphorylation of Arabidopsis FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL1 in a Low Fluence Response , Plant Cell , 2009 , 10.1105/tpc.108.061259
Jiao Y, Lori Tausta S, Gandotra N, Sun N, Liu T, Clay NK, Ceserani T, Chen M, Ma L, Holford M, Zhang HY, Zhao H,Deng XWand Nelson T. , A transcriptome atlas of rice cell types uncovers cellular, functional and developmental hierarchies. , Nat Genet , 2009 , 41, 258 - 263
Yu JW, Rubio V, Lee NY, Bai S, Lee SY, Kim SS, Liu L, Zhang Y, Irigoyen ML, Sullivan JA, Zhang Y, Lee I, Xie Q, Paek NC andDeng XW. , COP1 and ELF3 Control Circadian Function and Photoperiodic Flowering by Regulating GI Stability. , Mol Cell , 2008 , 32:617-630
Zhu D, Maier A, Lee JH, Laubinger S, Saijo Y, Wang H, Qu LJ, Hoecker andDeng XW. , Biochemical Characterization of Arabidopsis Complexes Containing CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 and SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA Proteins in Light Control of Plant Development. , Plant Cell , 2008 , 20(9):2307-23
Guo L, Zhou J, Elling AA, Charron JB,Deng XW. , Histone Modifications and Expression of Light Regulated Genes in Arabidopsis Are Cooperatively Influenced by Changing Light Conditions. , Plant Physiol , 2008 , 147(4):2070-83
Saijo Y, Zhu D, Li J, Rubio V, Zhou Z, Shen Y, Hoecker U, Wang H, andDeng XW, Arabidopsis COP1/SPA1 Complex and FHY1/FHY3 Associate with Distinct Phosphorylated Forms of Phytochrome A in Balancing Light Signaling. , Mol. Cell , 2008 , 22;31:607-613
Zhang HY, He H, Chen LB, Li L, Liang MZ, Wang XF, Liu XG, He GM, Chen RS, Ma LG, andDeng XW. , A Genome-Wide Transcription Analysis Reveals a Close Correlation of Promoter INDEL Polymorphism and Heterotic Gene Expression in Rice Hybrids. , Mol Plant , 2008 , 1: 720-731
Zhang Y, Feng S, Chen F, Chen H, Wang J, McCall C, Xiong Y,Deng XW. , Arabidopsis DDB1-CUL4 ASSOCIATED FACTOR1 Forms a Nuclear E3 Ubiquitin Ligase with DDB1 and CUL4 That Is Involved in Multiple Plant Developmental Processes. , Plant Cell , 2008 , 20(6):1437-55
Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L,Deng XW. , Functional Characterization of Arabidopsis Ubiquitin-Specific Protease Gene Family Reveals Specific Role and Redundancy of Individual Members in Development. , Plant J , 2008 , 55;5(844–856)
Li L, He H, Zhang J, Wang X, Bai S, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Young ND, Yu O,Deng XW. , Transcriptional analysis of highly syntenic regions between Medicago truncatula and Glycine max using tiling microarrays. , Genome Biol , 2008 , 19;9(3):R57
Li X, Wang X, He K, Ma Y, Su N, He H, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Jin W, Jiang J, Terzaghi W, Li S &Deng XW, High-Resolution Mapping of Epigenetic Modifications of the Rice Genome Uncovers Interplay between DNA Methylation, Histone Methylation, and Gene Expression. , Plant Cell , 2008 , 20:259-276
Feng S, Martinez C, Gusmaroli G, Wang Y, Zhou J, Wang F, Chen L, Yu L, Iglesias-Pedraz JM, Kircher S, Schafer E, Fu X, Fan LM,Deng XW. , Coordinated regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana development by light and gibberellins. , Nature , 2008 , 24; 451(475-479)
Lee JH, Terzaghi W, Gusmaroli G, Charron JB, Yoon HJ, Chen H, He YJ, Xiong Y,Deng XW, Characterization of Arabidopsis and rice DWD proteins and their roles as substrate receptors for CUL4-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases. , Plant Cell , 2008 , 20:152-67
Jiao Y, Lau OS,Deng XW. , Light-regulated transcriptional networks in higher plants. , Nat Rev Genet , 2007 , 8(3):217-30
Bai SL, Zhong X, Ma L, Zheng W, Fan LM, Wei N,Deng XW. , A simple and reliable assay for detecting specific nucleotide sequence variations in plants using optical thin-film biosensor chips. , Plant Journal , 2007 , 49(2): 354-66
Wang X, He H, Li L, Chen R,Deng XW, Li S , NMPP: a user-customized NimbleGen microarray data processing pipeline. , Bioinformatics. , 2006 , 22(23): 2955-7
Chen H, Karplus VJ, Ma H,Deng XW. , Plant Biology Research Comes of Age in China. , Plant Cell , 2006 , 18(11):2855-64
Chen H, Shen Y, Tang X, Yu L, Wang J, Guo L, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Feng S, Strickland E, Zheng N, andDeng XW, Arabidopsis CULLIN4 Forms an E3 Ubiquitin Ligase with RBX1 and the CDD Complex in Mediating Light Control of Development , Plant Cell , 2006 , 18(8):1991-2004
Li L, Wang X, Stolc V, Li X, Zhang D, Su N, Tongprasit W, Li S, Cheng Z, Wang J,Deng XW. , Genome-wide transcription analyses in rice using tiling microarrays. , Nature Genetics , 2006 , 38: 124 – 129
Ma L, Chen C, Liu X, Jiao Y, Su N, Li L, Wang X, Cao M, Sun N, Zhang X, Bao J, Li J, Pedersen S, Bolund L, Zhao H, Yuan L, Wong GK, Wang J,Deng XW, Wang J. , A microarray analysis of the rice transcriptome and its comparison to Arabidopsis. , Genome Res. , 2005 , 15(9):1274-83.
Suhua Feng, Ligeng Ma, Xiping Wang, Daoxin Xie, S. P. Dinesh-Kumar, Ning Wei,Xing Wang Deng, The COP9 Signalosome Interacts Physically with SCFCOI1 and Modulates Jasmonate Responses , Plant Cell , 2003 , 15 (5): 1083-94
Wang H, Ma LG, Li JM, Zhao HY,Deng XW. , Direct Interaction of Arabidopsis Cryptochromes with COP1 in Mediation of Photomorphogenic Development. , Science , 2001 , 294(5540):154-8
邓兴旺对植物基因组的研究可以更深入地了解植物防御机制和调控,激素调控,植物形态和大小的生物工程等诸多领域,这一基础研究应用于作物改良 - 这对中美两国都具有重要意义,对整个人类具有广泛影响。(2003年国际植物分子生物学学会Kumho奖评)