邱国红,男,1977年8月生,湖北汉川人,教授,华中农业大学资源与环境学院博士生导师。研究领域为环境化学与污染修复,主要研究典型重金属在活性矿物(铁锰氧化物、硫化矿物)界面的吸附氧化行为与迁移转化机理,研制重金属吸附性能优异的纳米矿物材料,发展污染控制电化学技术及铁/锰氧化物与生物炭复合材料用于污染水体和土壤中重金属吸附回收与原位钝化修复,开展了重金属污染农田和场地土壤修复工程示范。先后主持国家自然科学基金、教育部新教师基金和国家重点研发计划专项课题等多项课题;2012年获批湖北省杰出青年基金、入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2014年获霍英东教育基金会第十四届高等院校青年教师基金,2014年和2019年为湖北省重点基金创新群体骨干成员,2018年入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,2019年入选中组部“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。在Environmental Science & Technology、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta和Water Research等期刊发表科研论文100余篇,其中SCI论文有90余篇;第一和通讯作者的SCI论文60余篇、核心期刊论文6篇,被SCI论文引用2000余次。申请国家发明专利7项,已授权4项;副主编《环境化学》教材1部。为Nature Sustainability、Environmental Science & Technology、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Langmuir、Chemical EngineeringJournal和Journal of HazardousMaterials等学术期刊审稿人。
2001.06–1997.09 武汉大学 环境科学专业 理学学士
2006.06–2001.09 武汉大学 物理化学专业(电化学方向)理学博士
2008.11–2006.07 华中农业大学 资源与环境学院 环境科学与工程系 讲师
2011.10–2010.10 美国康涅狄格大学(Universityof Connecticut)化学系 访问学者
2013.12–2008.12 华中农业大学 资源与环境学院 环境科学与工程系 副教授
2014.01–至今 华中农业大学 资源与环境学院 环境科学与工程系 教授、博士生导师
环境污染与修复、环境电化学(EnvironmentalPollution and Remediation, Environmental Electrochemistry)
1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:铁/锰氧化物协同修复镉污染弱碱性土壤降低小麦镉吸收的机理(42077133)
2. 参与国家重点研发计划重点专项2020年度项目:“场地土壤阳离子态重金属活性钝化新型功能材料研发”( 2020YFC1808503,课题主持)
3. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:含砷硫化铁矿物光化学氧化过程与砷释放机制(41877025)
4. 参与国家重点研发计划重点专项2018年度项目:“黄淮海粮食主产区面源与重金属污染综合防治技术示范”(2018YFD0800304,子课题主持)
5. 参与国家重点研发计划重点专项2017年度项目:“农田重金属污染地球化学工程修复技术研发”(2017YFD0801000,子课题主持)
6. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:土壤铁/锰氧化物的协同共生及其对铬形态的影响(41571228)
7. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:土壤锰氧化物与硫化矿物的反应机理和动力学研究(41171375)
8. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:锰氧八面体分子筛的电化学可控合成及其电催化氧化性能研究(20807019)
9. 主持霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金基础性研究课题:As在土壤硫化铁矿物氧化过程中的作用与行为(141024)
10. 主持教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划:Fe(II)/Cr(III)在土壤锰氧化物/O2与硫化矿物反应中的催化作用(NCET-12-0862)
11. 主持教育部博士点新教师基金项目:不同结构氧化锰矿物氧化硫化物的特性和机理研究(20070504053)
12. 主持湖北省杰出青年人才基金:土壤硫化矿物的催化氧化过程与动力学研究(2012FFA031)
1. 一种基于原电池原理修复重金属污染土壤的方法,发明人:邱国红、乔琪、刘立虎、杨雄, 专利授权号:ZL 201910087124.0.
2. 一种电化学去除液体中重金属的方法,发明人:邱国红、刘立虎、彭启川、谭文峰、刘凡, 专利授权号:ZL 201610604718.0.
3. 一种薄片状纳米水钠锰矿的制备方法,发明人:邱国红、张腾飞、刘立虎、罗瑶、谭文峰、刘凡, 专利授权号:ZL 201610618913.9.
4. 一种锂二次电池正极材料LiMnO2的制备方法, 发明人:邱国红、刘凡、陈述林、冯雄汉、向全军, 专利授权号:ZL 201310259834.X.
5. 一种难熔活泼金属或合金的制备方法, 发明人:汪的华、陈政、邱国红、金先波, 专利授权号:ZL 200610018368.6.
6. 一种利用硒矿生产高浓度水溶性含硒叶面肥的方法,发明人:邱国红、孙学成、刘新伟、杨雄、刘立虎、赵竹青、谭文峰, 专利申请号:201810026830X.(实审阶段)
7. 一种电化学还原铁氧化物去除水体中重金属阴离子污染的方法,发明人:邱国红、杨雄、陈韩琛、刘立虎、林世伟,专利申请号:2019100863174.(实审阶段)
8. 一种由沸石粉和氧化锰组成复合物及其制备方法和应用,发明人:邱国红、王伟华、刘立虎、 卢涛、张雨彤,专利申请号:202110254254.6.
主要代表论文(* 通讯作者)
1. Lihu Liu, DimanGuo, Zengping Ning, Chengshuai Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Solar irradiation inducedoxidation and adsorption of arsenite on natural pyrite, Water Research,2021, 203. 117545. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 11.236)
2. Jun Hong, LihuLiu, Zengping Ning, Chengshuai Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Synergisticoxidation of dissolved As(III) and arsenopyrite in the presence of oxygen: Formation andfunction of reactive oxygen species, Water Research, 2021, 202, 117416.(通讯作者, 2020 IF:11.236)
3. Weihua Wang, Tao Lu, Lihu Liu, Xiong Yang, Xuecheng Sun, GuohongQiu*, Dangling Hua, Dongmei Zhou, Zeolite-supported manganese oxides decreasethe Cd uptake of wheat plants in Cd-contaminated weakly alkaline arable soils, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 419, 126464.(通讯作者, 2020 IF:10.588)
4. Lihu Liu, Qi Qiao, Wenfeng Tan,Xuecheng Sun, Chengshuai Liu, Zhi Dang, Guohong Qiu*, Arsenic detoxification byiron-manganese nodules under electrochemically controlled redox: Mechanism andapplication, Journal of HazardousMaterials, 2021, 403, 123912. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
5. TengfeiZhang,Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan, Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*, Formation andtransformation of manganese(III) intermediates in the photochemical generationof manganese(IV) oxide minerals, Chemosphere, 2021, 262, 128082. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 7.086)
6. Omar Rady, Lihu Liu, Xiong Yang,Xianjin Tang, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Adsorption and catalytic oxidation ofarsenite on Fe-Mn nodules in the presence of oxygen, Chemosphere, 2020,259, 127503. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 7.086)
7. Yao Luo, Wenfeng Tan, Steven L. Suib,Guohong Qiu*, Fan Liu, Epitaxial growth mechanism of heterogeneous catalyticoxidation of Mn(II) on manganite under oxic conditions, Chemical Geology, 2020, 547, 119670. (通讯作者, 2020IF: 4.015)
8. Xiong Yang, Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan,Chengshuai Liu, Zhi Dang, Guohong Qiu*, Remediation of heavy metal contaminatedsoils by organic acid extraction and electrochemical adsorption, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264,114745. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.071)
9. Jun Hong, Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan, GuohongQiu*, Arsenic release from arsenopyrite oxidative dissolution in the presenceof citrate under UV irradiation, Scienceof The Total Environment, 2020, 726, 138429. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 7.963)
10. Ju Hai, LihuLiu, Wenfeng Tan, Rong Hao, Guohong Qiu*, Catalytic oxidation and adsorption ofCr(III) on iron-manganese nodules under oxic conditions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 390, 122166. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
11. Qi Qiao, XiongYang, Lihu Liu, Yao Luo, Wenfeng Tan, Chengshuai Liu, Zhi Dang, GuohongQiu*, Electrochemical adsorption of cadmium and arsenic by natural Fe-Mnnodules, Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020, 390, 122165. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
12. Yao Luo#,Jiayu Ding#, Ju Hai, Wenfeng Tan, Rong Hao, Guohong Qiu*,Interaction mechanism of dissolved Cr(VI) and manganite in the presence ofgoethite coating, Environmental Pollution,2020, 260, 114046. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.071)
13. Xiong Yang,Qichuan Peng, Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Chengshuai Liu, Zhi Dang,Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) and As(V) on birnessite under electrochemicalcontrol, Chemosphere, 2020, 247,125822. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 7.086)
14. Lihu Liu#, Hanchen Chen#, Xiong Yang,Wenfeng Tan, Chengshuai Liu, Zhi Dang, Guohong Qiu*, High-efficiency As(III)oxidation and electrocoagulation removal using hematite with a charge−dischargetechnique, Scienceof the Total Environment, 2020, 703, 135678. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 7.963)
15. Zhipeng Shu#, Lihu Liu#, Wenfeng Tan,Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*, Xiong Yang, Lirong Zheng, Fan Liu, Solar irradiation induced transformation of ferrihydrite in the presenceof aqueous Fe2+, EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 2019, 53, 8854–8861. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 9.028)
16. Lihu Liu,Wenfeng Tan, Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*, Lirong Zheng, ShimingSu, Enhanced adsorption removal of arsenic from mining wastewater usingbirnessite under electrochemical redox reactions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375, 122051. (通讯作者, 2020 IF:13.273)
17. Zhipeng Shu,Lihu Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Xiong Yang, Mingzhe Zhang, Wenfeng Tan, Chengshuai Liu,Fei Wu, Photochemical formation process of schwertmannite on montmorilloniteand corresponding Cr(VI) adsorption capacity, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2019, 3, 718–727. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 3.475)
18. Xiong Yang, Lihu Liu, Mingzhe Zhang, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Lirong Zheng, Improved removalcapacity of magnetite for Cr(VI) by electrochemical reduction, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 374, 26–34. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
19. Lihu Liu,Qichuan Peng, Guohong Qiu*, Jun Zhu, Wenfeng Tan, Chengshuai Liu, Lirong Zheng,Zhi Dang, Cd2+ adsorption performance oftunnel-structured manganeseoxides driven by electrochemically controlled redox, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 244, 783–791. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.071)
20. Lihu Liu,Wenfeng Tan, Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*, Lirong Zheng, Qiaoyun Huang,Chengshuai Liu, Effective zinc adsorption driven by electrochemical redoxreactions of birnessite nanosheets generated by solarphotochemistry, ACS SustainableChemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 13907–13914. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.198)
21. Tengfei Zhang, Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan,Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*, Fan Liu, Photochemical formation andtransformation of birnessite: Effects of cations on micromorphology and crystalstructure, Environmental Science &Technology, 2018, 52, 6864–6871. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 9.028)
22. Lihu Liu,Zhaoheng Jia, Wenfeng Tan, Steven L. Suib, Le Ge, Guohong Qiu*, Ronggui Hu,Abiotic photomineralization and transformation of iron oxide nanominerals inaqueous systems, Environmental Science: Nano, 2018, 5, 1169–1178. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.131)
23. Xiong Yang, Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan, GuohongQiu*, Fan Liu, High-performance Cu2+adsorption of birnessite using electrochemically controlled redox reactions,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018,354, 107–115. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
24. Jun Hong, LihuLiu, Yao Luo, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Fan Liu, Photochemical oxidation anddissolution of arsenopyrite in acidic solutions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018, 239, 173–185. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 5.01)
25. Guohong Qiu*, Tianyu Gao, Jun Hong, Yao Luo, Lihu Liu, Wenfeng Tan*, Fan Liu, Mechanisms of interaction betweenarsenian pyrite and aqueous arsenite under anoxic and oxic conditions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018,228, 205–219. (第一/共同通讯作者, 2020 IF: 5.01)
26. Yao Luo, Jiayu Ding, Yougang Shen, Wenfeng Tan, GuohongQiu*, Fan Liu, Symbiosis mechanism of iron and manganese oxides in oxic aqueoussystems, Chemical Geology, 2018, 488, 162–170. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 4.015)
27. Yao Luo, Wenfeng Tan, Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*,Fan Liu, Dissolution and phase transformation processes of hausmannite inacidic aqueous systems under anoxic conditions, Chemical Geology, 2018,487, 54–62. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 4.015)
28. Yao Luo, Jiayu Ding, Yougang Shen, WenfengTan, Fan Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Interaction mechanism and kinetics of ferroussulfide and manganese oxides in aqueous system, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2018, 18, 564–575. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 3.308)
29. Yao Luo, Shan Li, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*,Fan Liu, Chongfa Cai, Oxidation and catalytic oxidation of dissolved sulfide bymanganite in aqueous systems, Clays andClay Minerals, 2017, 65, 299–309. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 1.609)
30. Guohong Qiu*,Tianyu Gao, Jun Hong, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Lirong Zheng, Mechanisms of arsenic-containingpyrite oxidation by aqueous arsenate under anoxic conditions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017,217, 306–319. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 5.01)
31. Lihu Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Steven L. Suib, FanLiu, Lirong Zheng, Wenfeng Tan*, Lihong Qin, Enhancement of Zn2+ andNi2+ removal performance using a deionization pseudocapacitor withnanostructured birnessite and its carbon nanotube composite electrodes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328,464–473. (共同通讯作者, 2020 IF: 13.273)
32. LihuLiu, Yao Luo, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Steven L. Suib, Yashan Zhang, Guohong Qiu*,Zinc removal from aqueous solution using deionization pseudocapacitor withhigh-performance nanostructured birnessite electrode, Environmental Science: Nano, 2017, 4, 811–823. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.131, 扉页封面)
33. Yao Luo#, Yougang Shen#,Lihu Liu, Jun Hong, Guohong Qiu*, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, In situ detection ofintermediates from the interaction of dissolved sulfide and manganese oxideswith a platinum electrode in aqueous systems, Environmental Chemistry, 2017,14,178–187. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 3.088)
34. Qichuan Peng, Lihu Liu, Yao Luo, YashanZhang, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Steven L. Suib, Guohong Qiu*, Cadmium removal fromaqueous solution by a deionization supercapacitor with a birnessite electrode, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2016, 8, 34405–34413. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 9.229)
35. Guohong Qiu*, Yao Luo, Cheng Chen, Qiang Lv,Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Chengshuai Liu, Influence factors for the oxidation ofpyrite by oxygen and birnessite in aqueous systems, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 45, 164–176. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 5.565)
36. Lihu Liu, Yao Luo, Wenfeng Tan, YashanZhang, Fan Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Facile synthesis of birnessite-type manganeseoxide nanoparticles as supercapacitor electrode materials, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 482, 183–192. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 8.128)
37. Yao Luo, Lihu Liu, Wencan Qiao, Fan Liu,Yashan Zhang, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Facile crystal-structure-controlledsynthesis of iron oxides for adsorbents and anode materials of lithiumbatteries, MaterialsChemistry and Physics, 2016, 170, 239–245. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 4.094).
38. Tianyu Gao, Ying Shi, Fan Liu, Yashan Zhang,Xionghan Feng, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Oxidation process of dissolvablesulfide by synthesized todorokite in aqueous systems, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 290, 106–116.(通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
39. Lihu Liu, Min Min, Fan Liu, Hui Yin, YashanZhang, Guohong Qiu*, Influence of vanadium doping on the supercapacitanceperformance of hexagonal birnessite, Journalof Power Sources, 2015, 277, 26–35.(通讯作者, 2020 IF: 9.127)
40. Tianyu Gao, Yougang Shen, Zhaoheng Jia,Guohong Qiu*, Fan Liu, Yashan Zhang, Xionghan Feng, Chongfa Cai, Interactionmechanisms and kinetics of ferrous ion and hexagonal birnessite in aqueoussystems, GeochemicalTransactions,2015, 16: 16. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 4.737)
41. Shulin Chen, Feifei Cao, Fan Liu, QuanjunXiang, Xionghan Feng, Lihu Liu, Guohong Qiu*, Facile hydrothermal synthesis andelectrochemical properties of orthorhombic LiMnO2 cathode materialsfor rechargeable lithium batteries, RSCAdvances, 2014, 4, 13693–13703. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 3.361)
42. Xiawu Lv, Shulin Chen, Cheng Chen, Lihu Liu,Fan Liu, Guohong Qiu*, One-step hydrothermal synthesis of LiMn2O4cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries, Solid State Sciences, 2014, 31, 16–23. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 3.059)
43. Shulin Chen, Fan Liu, Quanjun Xiang,Xionghan Feng, Guohong Qiu*, Synthesis of Mn2O3microstructures and their energy storage ability studies, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 106, 360–371. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 6.901)
44. Guohong Qiu, Saminda Dharmarathna, YashanZhang, Naftali N Opembe, Hui Huang, Steven L. Suib, Facile microwave-assistedhydrothermal synthesis of CuO nanomaterials and their catalytic andelectrochemical properties, The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 468–477. (2020 IF: 4.126)
45. Hui Yin, Fan Liu, Xiuhua Chen, XionghanFeng, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Synthesis of hureaulite by a reflux process atambient temperature and pressure, Microporous andMesoporous Materials, 2012, 153, 115–123. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 5.455)
46. Guohong Qiu, Hui Huang, Saminda Dharmarathna,Evan Benbow, Lisa Stafford, Steven L. Suib, Hydrothermal synthesis of manganeseoxide nanomaterials and their catalytic and electrochemical properties, Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 3892–3901. (2020 IF: 9.811)
47. Guohong Qiu, Hui Huang, Homer Genuino, NaftaliOpembe, Lisa Stafford, Saminda Dharmarathna, Steven L. Suib, Microwave-assistedhydrothermal synthesis of nanosized α-Fe2O3 for catalystsand adsorbents, The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 19626–19631. (2020 IF: 4.126)
48. Hui Yin, Fan Liu, Xionghan Feng, MingmingLiu, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Co2+-exchange mechanism ofbirnessite and its application for the removal of Pb2+ and As(III), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 196, 318–326. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 10.588)
49. Guohong Qiu, Qian Li, Ying Yu, XionghanFeng, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Oxidation behavior and kinetics of sulfide bysynthesized manganese oxide minerals, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2011, 11, 1323–1333. (2020 IF: 3.308)
50. Guohong Qiu, Hui Wen, Qian Guo, Yuhua Hu,Dan Yang, Fan Liu, Electrochemical preparation of nanosized manganese dioxidesfrom manganese chloride solutions, Ionics, 2011, 17, 209–216. (2020 IF: 2.817)
51. Guohong Qiu, Saminda Dharmarathna, HomerGenuino, Yashan Zhang, Hui Huang, Steven L. Suib, Facile microwave-refluxing synthesisand catalytic properties of vanadium pentoxide nanomaterials, ACS Catalysis, 2011, 1, 1702–1709. (2020 IF: 13.084)
52. Chunhua Song, Ruiqi Li, Fan Liu, XionghanFeng, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu*, Cobalt-doped todorokites prepared by refluxingat atmospheric pressure as cathode materials for Li batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55, 9157–9165. (通讯作者, 2020 IF: 6.901)
53. Guohong Qiu, Zhiyun Gao, Hui Yin, XionghanFeng, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Synthesis of MnPO4·H2O by refluxing process atatmospheric pressure, Solid StateSciences, 2010,12, 808–813. (2020 IF: 3.059)
54. Guohong Qiu, Jun Wang, Wei Zhao, XionghanFeng, Wenfeng Tan, Qin Zhang, Fan Liu, Shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructureramsdellite-type manganese oxide at atmospheric pressure, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 28, 2301–2307. (2020 IF: 6.000)
55. Guohong Qiu, Xionghan Feng, Mingming Liu, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu,Investigation on electrochemical reduction process of Nb2O5powder in molten CaCl2 with metallic cavity electrode, ElectrochimicaActa, 2008, 53, 4074–4081. (2020 IF: 6.901)
56. Guohong Qiu, Dihua Wang, Xianbo Jin, GeorgeZ. Chen, A direct electrochemical route from oxide precursors to theterbium-nickel intermetallic compound TbNi5, ElectrochimicaActa, 2006, 51, 5785–5793. (2020 IF: 6.901)
57. Guohong Qiu, Dihua Wang, Meng Ma, XianboJin, George Z. Chen, Electrolytic synthesis of TbFe2 from Tb4O7and Fe2O3 powders in molten CaCl2, Journal of ElectroanalyticalChemistry, 2006, 589, 139–147. (2020 IF: 4.464)
58. Guohong Qiu, Meng Ma, Dihua Wang, XianboJin, Xiaohong Hu, George Z. Chen, Metallic cavity electrode for investigationof powders, Journal of the ElectrochemicalSociety, 2005, 152(10), E328–E336. (2020 IF: 4.316)
59. Guohong Qiu, Kai Jiang, Meng Ma, Dihua Wang,Xianbo Jin, George Z. Chen, Roles of cationic and elemental calcium in theelectro-reduction of solid metal oxides in molten calcium chloride, Zeitschrift furNaturforschung A: Journal of Physical Sciences, 2007, 62a, 292–302. (2020 IF: 1.426)
60. Dihua Wang, Guohong Qiu, Xianbo Jin,Xiaohong Hu, George Z. Chen, Electrochemical metallisation of solid terbiumoxides, AngewandteChemie International Edition, 2006, 45, 2384–2388. (2020 IF: 15.336)
61. Jing Yu, Pin Chen, Jun Yang, Xiaoqing Qiu,Guohong Qiu, Shukui Zhu*, An innovative in vitro assay to study the effects ofaromatic pollutants on porphyrin systems, Environmental Pollution, 2020,264, 114606. (2020 IF: 8.071)
62. Hui Yin, Jiewei Sun, Xinran Yan, Xiong Yang,Xionghan Feng, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu, Jing Zhang, Matthew Ginder-Vogel, Fan Liu*, Effects of Co(II) ion exchange, Ni(II)- and V(V)-doping on thetransformation behaviors of Cr(III) on hexagonal turbostratic birnessite-waterinterfaces, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 256, 113462. (2020 IF: 8.071)
63. Jian Hua, Chengshuai Liu*, Fangbai Li,Zhenke Zhu, Zhiqi Wei, Manjia Chen, Ting Gao, Guohong Qiu, Effects of rareearth elements’ physicochemical properties on their stabilization during theFe(II)aq-induced phase transformation of ferrihydrite, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2019, 3, 895–904.(2020 IF: 3.475)
64. Zhongkuan Wu, Caroline L. Peacock, BrunoLanson, Hui Yin, Lirong Zheng, Zhongjun Chen , Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu, FanLiu, Xionghan Feng, Transformation of Co-containing birnessite to todorokite:Effect of Co on the transformation and implications for Co mobility, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019, 246, 21–40. (2020 IF: 5.01)
65. Rong Hao, Jinliang Zhang, Peichao Wang,Ronggui Hu, Yantun Song, Yupeng Wu, Guohong Qiu, Effects of human management onblack carbon sorption/desorption during a water transfer project: Recognizingimpacts and identifying mitigation possibilities, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 214, 346–353. (2020 IF: 6.789)
66. Shuai Lan, Xiaoming Wang, Quanjun Xiang, HuiYin, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu, Fan Liu, Jing Zhang, Xionghan Feng, Mechanismsof Mn(II) catalytic oxidation on ferrihydrite surfaces and the formation ofmanganese (oxyhydr)oxides, Geochimica etCosmochimica Acta, 2017, 211, 79–96. (2020 IF: 5.01)
67. Hui Yin, Nianhao Tan,Chuanping Liu, Juju Liu, Xiaoliang Liang, Mingkai Qu, Xionghan Feng, GuohongQiu, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, The associations of heavy metals with crystallineiron oxides in the polluted soils around the mining areas in GuangdongProvince, China, Chemosphere, 2016,161, 181-189. (2020 IF: 7.086)
68. Xinran Liang, Zixiang Zhao, Mengqiang Zhu,Fan Liu, Lijun Wang, Hui Yin, Guohong Qiu, Feifei Cao, Xiaoqing Liu, XionghanFeng, Self-assembly of birnessite nanoflowers by staged three-dimensionaloriented attachment, EnvironmentalScience: Nano, 2017, 4, 1656–1669. (2020 IF: 8.131)
69. WeiLi, Xiaoliang Liang, Pengfei An, Xionghan Feng, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu, HuiYin*, Fan Liu*, Mechanisms on the morphology variation of hematite crystals byAl substitution: The modification of Fe and O reticular densities, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 35960. (2020 IF: 4.379)
70. Qin Zhang, Xiaodi Cheng, Guohong Qiu, FanLiu, Xionghan Feng, Size-controlled synthesis and formation mechanism ofmanganese oxide OMS-2 nanowires under reflux conditions with KMnO4and inorganic acids, Solid State Sciences,2016, 55, 152–158. (2020 IF: 3.059)
71. Zhen Long, Wenyuan Hu, Lihu Liu, GuohongQiu, Wencan Qiao, Xiangfeng Guan, Xiaoqing Qiu, Mesoporous iron trifluoridemicrospheres as cathode materials for Li-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 1, 355–362. (2020 IF: 6.901)
72. Huaiyan Zhao, Xinran Liang, Hui Yin, FanLiu, Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu and Xionghan Feng,Formation of todorokite from“c-disordered” H+-birnessites: the roles of average manganeseoxidation state and interlayer cations, Geochemical Transactions, 2015, 16: 8. (2020 IF: 4.737)
73. Hui Yin, Hui Li, YanWang, MatthewGinder-Vogel, Guohong Qiu, Xionghan Feng, Lirong Zheng, Fan Liu, Effects of Coand Ni co-doping on the structure and reactivity of hexagonal birnessite, Chemical Geology, 2014, 381, 10–20. (2020 IF: 4.015)
74. Di Lang, Quanjun Xiang, Guohong Qiu,Xionghan, Feng, Fan Liu, Effects of crystalline phase and morphology on thevisible light photocatalytic H-2-production activity of CdS nanocrystals, Dalton Transactions, 2014,43,7245–7253. (2020 IF: 4.39)
75. Di Lang, Fan Liu, Guohong Qiu, XionghanFeng, Quanjun Xiang, Synthesis and Visible-Light Photocatalytic performance ofcadmium sulfide and oxide hexagonal nanoplates, ChemPlusChem, 2014, 79, 1726–1732. (2020 IF: 2.863)
76. Han Sun, Guohong Qiu, Yan Wang, XionghanFeng, Hui Yin, Fan Liu, Effects of Co and Ni co-doping on the physicochemicalproperties of cryptomelane and its enhanced performance on photocatalyticdegradation of phenol, MaterialsChemistry and Physics, 2014, 148, 783–789. (2020 IF: 4.094)
77. Mingxia Wang, Pai Pang, Luuk K. Koopal,Guohong Qiu, Yan Wang, Fan Liu, One-step synthesis of delta-MnO2nanoparticles using ascorbic acid and their scavenging properties to Pb(II),Zn(II) and methylene blue, Materials Chemistryand Physics,2014, 148, 1149–1156. (2020 IF: 4.094)
78. Hui Yin, Xionghan Feng, Tiandou Hu, LirongZheng, Guohong Qiu, Luuk K. Koopal, Wenfeng Tan, Effects of Fe doping on thestructures and properties of hexagonal birnessites - Comparison with Co and Nidoping, Geochimica etCosmochimica Acta, 2013, 117, 1–15. (2020 IF: 5.01)
79. Hui Yin, Wenfeng Tan, Lirong Zheng, HaojieCui, Guohong Qiu, Fan Liu, Xionghan Feng, Characterization of Ni-rich hexagonalbirnessite and its geochemical effects on aqueous Pb2+/Zn2+and As(III), Geochimica etCosmochimica Acta, 2012, 93, 47–62. (2020 IF: 5.01)
80. Wei Zhao, Fan Liu, Xionghan Feng, WenfengTan, Guohong Qiu, Xiuhua Chen, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy study ofacid birnessites before and after Pb2+ adsorption, Clay Minerals, 2012, 47, 191–204. (2020 IF: 1.588)
81. Qin Zhang, Xiaodi Cheng, Fan Liu, GuohongQiu, Wenfeng Tan, Xionghan Feng, Large-scale size-controlled synthesis ofcryptomelane-type manganese oxide OMS-2 in lateral and longitudinal directions,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 5223–5225. (200 IF: 12.732)
82. Qin Zhang, Xiaodi Cheng, Chen Zheng,Xionghan Feng, Guohong Qiu, Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Roles of manganese oxides indegradation of phenol under UV-Vis irradiation: Adsorption, oxidation, andphotocatalysis, Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences, 2011, 23, 1904–1910. (2020 IF: 5.565)
83. Hui Yin, Xionghan Feng, Guohong Qiu, WenfengTan, Fan Liu, Characterization of Co-doped birnessites and application forremoval of lead and arsenite, Journal ofHazardous Materials, 2011, 188,341–349. (2020 IF: 10.588)
84. Qin Zhang, Zhidong Xiao, Xionghan Feng,Wenfeng Tan, Guohong Qiu, Fan Liu, α-MnO2 nanowires transformed fromprecursor δ-MnO2 by refluxing under ambient pressure: The key roleof pH and growth mechanism, MaterialsChemistry and Physics, 2011, 125, 678–685. (2020 IF: 4.094)
85. Mingming Liu, Xinghui Cao, Wenfeng Tan,Xionghan Feng, Guohong Qiu, Xiuhua Chen, Fan Liu, Structural controls on thecatalytic polymerization of hydroquinone by birnessites, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2011, 59, 525–537. (2020 IF: 1.609)
86. Wei Zhao, Qingqing Wang, Fan Liu, GuohongQiu, Wenfeng Tan, Xionghan Feng, Pb2+ adsorption on birnessiteaffected by Zn2+ and Mn2+ pretreatments, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2010, 10, 870–878. (2020 IF: 3.308)
87. Mingming Liu, Xin Zhou, Yingyi Chen, HanlanLiu, Xionghan Feng, Guohong Qiu, Fan Liu, Zhaorui Zeng, Innovativechemically-bonded ionic liquids-based sol-gel coatings as highly porous, stableand selective stationary phases for solid phase microextraction, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 683, 96–106. (2020 IF: 6.558)
88. Haojie Cui, Guohong Qiu, Xionghan Feng,Wenfeng Tan, Fan Liu, Birnessites with different average manganese oxidationstates synthesized, characterized, and transformed to todorokite at atmosphericpressure, Clays and ClayMinerals, 2009,57, 715–724. (2020 IF: 1.609)
89. Haojie Cui, Lei You, Xionghan Feng, WenfengTan, Guohong Qiu, Fan Liu, Factors governing the formation of lithiophorite atatmospheric pressure, Clays and ClayMinerals, 2009,57,353–360. (2020 IF: 1.609)
90. Kai Jiang, Xiaohong Hu, Meng Ma, Dihua Wang,Guohong Qiu, Xianbo Jin, George Z. Chen, “Perovskitization”-assistedelectrochemical reduction of solid TiO2 in molten CaCl2, Angewandte Chemie InternationalEdition, 2006,45, 428–432. (2020 IF: 15.336)
91. MengMa, Kai Jiang, Guohong Qiu, Dihua Wang, Xiaohong Hu, Xianbo Jin, George Z.Chen, Fundamental study on the electro-reduction of solid titania in moltencalcium chloride, Journal of RareEarths, 2005, 23, 46–49. (2020 IF: 3.712)
92. 刘立虎, 陈述林, 刘凡, 向全军, 冯雄汉, 邱国红*, 水热法制备锂电池正极材料o-LiMnO2及其碳纳米管改性研究, 无机化学学报,2015, 31, 703–709.(通讯作者, SCI, 2020 IF: 0.834)
93. 殷辉, 刘凡, 冯雄汉, 谭文峰, 邱国红*, 陈秀华, 刘名茗, 常压回流条件下拉锰矿的合成及其影响因素, 无机材料学报, 2011, 26, 321–326.(通讯作者, SCI, 2020 IF: 1.041)
94. 邱国红, 杨丹, 冯雄汉, 张旭亮, 陈秀华, 刘名茗, 刘凡, Cu2+离子掺杂钙锰矿的合成及其电化学性质研究, 高等学校化学学报, 2009, 30, 1481–1486.(SCI, 2020 IF: 0.650)
95. 邱国红, 汪的华, 金先波, 陈政, 直接熔盐电化学还原固态Tb4O7-Fe2O3制备Tb2Fe17,金属学报, 2008, 44, 859–862.(SCI, 2020 IF: 1.251)
96. 刘立虎, 樊萍, 孙学成, 蔡建波, 彭启川, 谭文峰, 邱国红*, 电化学驱动水钠锰矿高效吸附去除混合重金属离子, 环境化学, 2021, 接收待刊.(通讯作者)
97. 贾赵恒, 罗瑶, 沈友刚, 刘凡, 蔡崇法, 谭文峰, 邱国红*, 大冶龙角山矿区农田土壤重金属形态分布及其来源, 农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36, 264–271.(通讯作者)
98. 罗瑶, 李珊, 刘立虎, 谭文峰, 刘凡, 邱国红*, 水锰矿与Fe2+的相互作用与转化过程,岩石矿物学杂志, 2016, 35, 703–711.(通讯作者)
99. 罗瑶, 李珊, 谭文峰, 刘凡, 蔡崇法, 邱国红*, 水锰矿氧化水溶性硫化物过程及其影响因素,环境科学,2016, 37, 1539–1545.(EI, 通讯作者)
100. 罗瑶, 刘立虎, 贾赵恒, 谭文峰, 刘凡, 邱国红*, 锰氧化度对水钠锰矿电容性能的影响, 功能材料, 2016, 47, 7187–7191.(EI, 通讯作者)
101. 李倩, 俞颖, 赵雅兰, 朱丽君, 冯雄汉, 刘凡, 邱国红*, 锰钾矿氧化硫化物特性与动力学研究, 环境科学, 2011, 32, 2102–2108.(通讯作者)
102. 李倩, 俞颖, 刘凡, 冯雄汉, 谭文峰, 邱国红*, 水钠锰矿氧化硫化物过程与动力学研究, 岩石矿物学杂志, 2011, 30, 1007–1013.(通讯作者)
103.邱国红, 汪的华, 金先波, 胡晓宏, 陈政, Cr2O3粉末在CaCl2熔盐中直接电化学还原的金属通腔电极研究, 电化学, 2006, 12, 304–309.
104. 赵怀燕, 龚爱蓉, 殷辉, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 冯雄汉*, 模拟表生环境水钠锰矿亚结构转化及钙锰矿的形成, 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 2014, 39, 227–239.
105. 王鹍, 夏平平, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 冯雄汉*, 模拟环境条件下δ-MnO2氧化As(Ⅲ)的搅拌流动动力学特征, 中国环境科学, 2014, 34, 966–975.
106. 徐佳丽, 张芬, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 冯雄汉, 不同氧化度碱性水钠锰矿氧化As(III) 和Cr(III)的动力学特性, 岩石矿物学杂志,2013, 32, 975–984.
107. 王小明, 艾思含, 董婷, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 冯雄汉, 人工合成绿锈GR1(CO32-) 的氧化晶质过程、特点及主要影响因素, 土壤学报,2013, 50, 1143–1153.
108. 殷辉, 谭文峰, 冯雄汉, 崔浩杰, 邱国红, 刘凡, 含Ni六方水钠锰矿的表征及其对Pb2+(Zn2+)环境行为的影响, 土壤学报, 2012, 49, 417–727.
109. 王砚, 谭文峰, 冯雄汉, 邱国红, 刘凡, 水钠锰矿对几种重金属离子的吸附及其与锰氧化度和吸附位点的关系, 环境科学, 2011, 32, 3128–3136.
110. 张嵚, 冯雄汉, 邱国红, 谭文峰, 刘凡, 不同氧化锰矿物在光催化降解苯酚中的影响和反应机制, 矿物学报, 2011, 2, 263–273.
111. 殷辉, 冯雄汉, 邱国红, 谭文峰, 刘凡, 掺钴水钠锰矿对铅的吸附及对砷的氧化, 环境科学, 2011, 32, 2092–2101.
112. 赵巍, 刘凡, 冯雄汉, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 陈秀华, 水钠锰矿吸附Pb2+亚结构变化的红外光谱研究, 地球化学, 2011, 40, 99–107.
113. 李瑞琦, 宋春华, 徐超, 涂丽杏, 邱国红, 刘凡, 常压回流掺钴钙锰矿锂离子电池正极材料, 电化学, 2010, 16, 90–95.
114. 谭军凤, 邱国红, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 冯雄汉, Mn(III)在水钠锰矿氧化Cr(III)反应中的作用, 环境科学, 2009, 30, 2779–2785.
115. 赵巍, 王庆庆, 刘凡, 邱国红, 谭文峰, 冯雄汉, Zn2+和Mn2+处理水钠锰矿后对Pb2+吸附量的影响, 环境科学学报, 2009, 29, 1657–1665.
116. 崔浩杰, 冯雄汉, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 陈秀华, 钙锰矿的研究进展, 地球科学进展, 2009, 24, 1084–1093.
117. 刘凡, 冯雄汉, 陈秀华, 邱国红, 谭文峰, 贺纪正, 氧化锰矿物的生物成因及其性质的研究进展, 地学前缘, 2008, 15, 66–73.
118. 毕磊, 宋春华, 文慧, 杨丹, 邱国红*, 冯雄汉, 刘名茗, 谭文峰, 刘凡, 电化学可控合成纳米二氧化锰的初步研究, 材料开发与应用, 2008, 2, 35–39.(通讯作者)
华中科技大学出版社, ISBN: 756095374),主编: 张宝贵, 副主编: 郭爱红、周遗品、夏金虹、苏春彦、韩长秀、邱国红、张磊.