浙江大学,高分子化工学士。1984.09-1987.07 浙江大学,化工硕士。1987.08-1992.08,北京轻工业学院助教、讲师。1992.09-1998.06 美国加州理工学院,化工与化学博士,导师诺贝尔化学奖得主Grubbs和Kornfield。1998.06-1999.11 斯坦福大学博士后。1999.11-2000.04 霍尼韦尔公司博士后。2000.04-2011.02 普利司通凡士通公司资深科学家、项目总监,普利司通集团Akron技术中心首席科学家,普利司通美国研发中心首席科学家、核心管理团队成员。2011年获聘宁波大学材料科学与化学工程学院院长。2016年3月,全职应聘南方科技大学化学系讲座教授。
[1] Chen, Z.-R.; Kornfield, J. A.; Smith, S. D.; Grothaus, J. T.; Satkowski, M. M., Pathways to macroscale order in nanostructured block copolymers. Science 1997, 277 (5330), 1248-1253.
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[3] Miller, S. J.; Kim, S.-H.; Chen, Z.-R.; Grubbs, R. H., Catalytic ring-closing metathesis of dienes: application to the synthesis of eight-membered rings. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1995, 117 (7), 2108-2109.
[4] Chen, Z.-R.; Issaian, A.; Kornfield, J.; Smith, S.; Grothaus, J.; Satkowski, M., Dynamics of shear-induced alignment of a lamellar diblock: a rheo-optical, electron microscopy, and X-ray scattering study. Macromolecules 1997, 30 (23), 7096-7114.
[5] Chen, Z.-R.; Kornfield, J. A., Flow-induced alignment of lamellar block copolymer melts. Polymer 1998, 39 (19), 4679-4699.
[6] Gupta, V.; Krishnamoorti, R.; Chen, Z.-R.; Kornfield, J.; Smith, S.; Satkowski, M.; Grothaus, J., Dynamics of shear alignment in a lamellar diblock copolymer: interplay of frequency, strain amplitude, and temperature. Macromolecules 1996, 29 (3), 875-884.
[7] Wiyatno, W.; Chen, Z.-R.; Liu, Y.; Waymouth, R. M.; Krukonis, V.; Brennan, K., Heterogeneous composition and microstructure of elastomeric polypropylene from a sterically hindered 2-arylindenylhafnium catalyst. Macromolecules 2004, 37 (3), 701-708.
[8] Wiyatno, W.; Fuller, G. G.; Pople, J. A.; Gast, A. P.; Chen, Z.-R.; Waymouth, R. M.; Myers, C. L., Component stress-strain behavior and small-angle neutron scattering investigation of stereoblock elastomeric polypropylene. Macromolecules 2003, 36 (4), 1178-1187.
[9] Lu, L.; Wang, W.; Cai, W.; Chen, Z.-R., Synthesis and Characterization of SiO2@ poly (4-vinylpyridine)@ Polypyrrole-Palladium Composites. Journal of Polymer Materials 2012, 29 (2), 253.
[10] Lu, L.; Wang, W.; Cai, W.; Chen, Z.-R., Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole-aucoated SiO2@ poly (4-vinylpyridine) composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2013, 128 (6), 4130-4135.
[11] Sun, W.; Zhou, Y.; Chen, Z.-R., Fabrication of honeycomb-structured porous film from polystyrene via polymeric particle-assisted breath figures method. Macromolecular Research 2013, 21 (4), 414-418.
[12] Wang, W.; Lu, L.; Cai, W.; Chen, Z.-R., Synthesis and characterization of coaxial silver/silica/polypyrrole nanocables. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2013, 129 (5), 2377-2382.
[13] Li, W.; Guan, C.; Xu, J.; Chen, Z.-R.; Jiang, B.; Wang, J.; Yang, Y., Bimodal/broad polyethylene prepared in a disentangled state. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53 (3), 1088-1096.
[14] Weng, G.-S.; Bao, J.-B.; Xu, Y.-C.; Chen, Z.-R., New insight into stretch induced structural evolution of α trans-1, 4-polyisoprene characterized by real time synchrotron WAXS and SAXS measurements. Journal of Polymer Research 2013, 20 (3), 1-8.
[15] Li, W.; Hou, L.; Chen, Z.-R., An NMR Investigation of Phase Structure and Chain Dynamics in the Polyethylene/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites. Journal of Nanomaterials 2013, 2013.
[16] Sun, W.; Zhou, Y.; Ju, Y.; Yang, L.; Xu, T.; Chen, Z.-R., A study of morphology modulation of honeycomb hybrid films and the interfacial behavior of silica particles within a patterned polymeric matrix. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2014, 215 (1), 96-102.
[17] Li, W.; Guan, C.; Xu, J.; Mu, J.; Gong, D.; Chen, Z.-R.; Zhou, Q., Disentangled UHMWPE/POSS nanocomposites prepared by ethylene in situ polymerization. Polymer 2014, 55 (7), 1792-1798.
[18] Guan, C.; Yang, H.; Li, W.; Zhou, D.; Xu, J.; Chen, Z.-R., Crystallization behavior of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocomposites prepared by ethylene in situ polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2014, 131 (19).
[19] Ren, G.; Wang, W.; Yang, Y.; Cai, W.;Chen, Z.-R., Coating Polypyrrole-Silver Nanocomposites on Sulfonated-Polystyrene Microspheres by One-Step Method Using AgNO3 as an Oxidant. Journal of Polymer Materials 2014, 31 (2), 135.
[20] Mu, J.; Yang, F.; Li, W.; Gong, D.; Liu, Z.; Jiang, F.; Chen, Z.-R., Synthesis of amphiphilic linear-hyperbranched graft-copolymers via grafting based on linear polyethylene backbone. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2014, 52 (15), 2146-2154.
[21] Weng, G.; Yao, H.; Chang, A.; Fu, K.; Liu, Y.; Chen, Z.-R., Crack growth mechanism of natural rubber under fatigue loading studied by a real-time crack tip morphology monitoring method. RSC Advances 2014, 4 (83), 43942-43950.
[22] Gong, D.; Liu, W.; Chen, T.; Chen, Z.-R.; Huang, K.-W., Ethylene polymerization by PN 3-type pincer chromium (III) complexes. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2014, 395, 100-107.
[23] Bao, J.-B.; Weng, G.-S.; Zhao, L.; Liu, Z.-F.; Chen, Z.-R., Tensile and impact behavior of polystyrene microcellular foams with bi-modal cell morphology. Journal of Cellular Plastics 2014, 50 (4), 381-393.
[24] Weng, G.-S.; Wu, J.-R.; Xu, Y.-C.; Bao, J.-B.; Huang, G.; Chen, Z.-R., Study on the stretch induced phase transition of α trans-1, 4-polyisoprene by in-situ SAXS and WAXS measurements. Journal of Polymer Research 2014, 21 (11), 1-8.
[25] Yang, Y.; Wang, W.; Chen, T.; Chen, Z.-R., Simultaneous Synthesis and Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles to Three-Demensional Superstructures for Sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Detection. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2014, 6 (23), 21468-21473.
[26] Li, W.; Chen, T.; Guan, C.; Gong, D.; Mu, J.; Chen, Z.-R.; Zhou, Q., Influence of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane structure on the disentangled state of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene nanocomposites during ethylene in situ polymerization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015, 54 (5), 1478-1486.
[27] Song, S.; Miao, W.; Wang, Z.; Gong, D.; Chen, Z.-R., Synthesis and characterization of precisely-defined ethylene-co-aryl ether polymers via ADMET polymerization. Polymer 2015, 64, 76-83.
[28] Yao, H.; Weng, G.; Liu, Y.; Fu, K.; Chang, A.; Chen, Z.-R., Effect of silane coupling agent on the fatigue crack propagation of silica-filled natural rubber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2015, 132 (20).
[29] Jiang, B.; Zhu, L.; Zhao, C.; Chen, Z.-R., An investigation on the bound rubber and dynamic mechanical properties of polystyrene particles-filled elastomer. Polymer Composites 2015.
[30] Li, W.; Li, R.; Li, C.; Chen, Z.-R.; Zhang, L., Mechanical properties of surface-modified ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber reinforced natural rubber composites. Polymer Composites 2015;
[31] Huang, J.; Wang, S.; Sun, W.; Zhang, Z.; Cheng, C.; Ju, Y.; Yang, P.; Ding, L.; Chen, Z.-R., Research on Hydrophobic and Superhydrophobic Properties of Patterned Structure with Controllable Nano to Microstructural Hierarchy. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2015, 216 (23), 2279-2286.
[32] Yang, P.; Huang, J.; Sun, W.; Wei, Y.; Liu, Y.; Ding, L.; Bao, J.; Chen, Z.-R., Exploration of selective decoration of Janus silica particles within polymeric patterned pore arrays. RSC Advances 2016.
[33] Yang, Y.; Yu, F.; Huang, L.; Chen, Z.-R., A facile approach to control metal superstructure architecture with organic thin films. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (9), 7409-7412.
[34] Weng, G.; Chang, A.; Fu, K.; Kang, J.; Ding, Y.; Chen, Z.-R., Crack growth mechanism of styrene-butadiene rubber filled with silica nanoparticles studied by small angle X-ray scattering. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (10), 8406-8415.
[35] Miao, W.; Lv, Y.; Zheng, W.; Wang, Z.;Chen, Z.-R., Epitaxial crystallization of precisely fluorine substituted polyethylene induced by carbon nanotube and reduced graphene oxide. Polymer 2016, 83, 205-213.
[36] Miao, W.; Wang, Z.; Li, Z.; Wang, B.; Zheng, W.; Chen, Z.-R., Epitaxial crystallization of precisely chlorine-substituted polyethylene induced by carbon nanotube and graphene. Polymer 2016, 94, 53-61.
[37] 孙巍; 陈忠仁, 水滴模板法制备聚合物蜂窝状多孔膜的研究进展. 高分子通报 2012, 8, 005.
[38] 孙巍; 周雨辰; 陈忠仁, 基于水滴模板法的微纳复合超疏水结构制备的研究. 高分子学报 2012, (12), 1459-1464.
[39] 阮一平; 历伟; 侯琳熙; 穆景山; 陈忠仁, 高吸油材料研究进展. 高分子通报 2013, 5, 1-8.
[40] 姜博文; 毕文超; 阮一平; 陈忠仁; 侯琳熙, OVS 交联 SBR 多孔材料的制备及吸油性能研究. 材料导报 2014, 28 (6), 74-78.
[41] 毕文超; 阮一平; 姜博文; 李鹏; 陈忠仁, 丁苯橡胶吸油材料的制备及吸油机理研究. 现代化工 2014, (6), 62-66.
[42] 杨平辉; 孙巍; 胡思; 陈忠仁, 纳米粒子的界面自组装. 化学进展 2014, 26 (07), 1107-1119.
[43] 王丽文; 包锦标; 刘智峰; 陈忠仁, 超临界二氧化碳作用下含 β 成核剂等规聚丙烯的结晶行为. 高分子材料科学与工程 2014, 10, 018.
[44] 杨飞; 刘忠肃; 历伟; 龚狄荣; 穆景山; 陈忠仁, 聚乙烯-超支化聚醚接枝共聚物的合成, 改性及增容研究. 材料导报 2015, 29 (2), 60-66.
[45] 李春阳; 李微微; 李瑞培; 陈忠仁, 超高分子量聚乙烯纤维液相氧化改性及其橡胶基复合材料制备. 现代化工 2015, (2), 77-80.
[46] 姜博文; 赵传壮; 朱利强; 陈忠仁, 聚苯乙烯填充丁苯橡胶复合材料的制备与性能表征. 材料导报 2015, 29 (4), 69-7398.
[47] 刘智峰; 李妍凝; 孔维龙; 诸婷婷; 包锦标; 陈忠仁, 超临界 CO2 微孔发泡 PE-LLD/PE—UHMW 共混物. 工程塑料应用 2015, 41 (3), 65-71.
[48] 刘衍朋; 翁更生; 姚鸿; 常爱军; 付坤; 陈忠仁; 刘欣; 张慧慧, 天然橡胶/顺丁橡胶共混胶体系裂纹生长行为的形态演变机理. 高分子材料科学与工程 2015, (3), 81-87.
[49] 李春阳; 李微微; 李瑞培; 徐文静; 陈忠仁, 超高分子量聚乙烯纤维复合表面改性及其橡胶基复合材料的力学性能. 复合材料学报 2015, 32 (2), 409-419.
[50] 鞠远来; 张震震; 刘玉; 孙巍; 陈忠仁, 通过一步法制备蛋白质图案化阵列结构. 化工新型材料 2015, 43 (5), 89-92.
[51] 钟硕; 王超; 翁更生; 包锦标; 陈忠仁, 液体异戊二烯-丁二烯共聚物对天然橡胶, 顺丁橡胶结构与性能的影响. 材料导报: 纳米与新材料专辑 2015, 29 (1), 267-271.
[52] 徐杰; 历伟; 赵传壮; 关超; 陈忠仁, “半稀溶液” 中超高分子量聚乙烯链缠绕结构的演变行为. 高分子通报 2015, (7), 43-51.
[53] 李妍凝; 刘智峰; 包锦标; 陈忠仁, 超临界流体技术制备聚合物开孔发泡材料的研究进展. 材料导报 2015, 17, 003.
[54] 姚鸿; 翁更生; 刘衍朋; 常爱军; 付坤; 陈忠仁, 炭黑对天然橡胶疲劳裂纹扩展形态的影响. 高分子材料科学与工程 2015, 31 (12), 78-83.
[55] 虞源; 吴青芸; 陈忠仁, 压力延迟渗透膜技术. 化学进展 2015, 27 (12), 1822-1832.
[56] 贺登峰; 徐杰; 关超; 陈忠仁, 低缠结超高分子量聚乙烯的制备及其对线性低密度聚乙烯的增强作用. 材料导报 2016, 30 (4), 47-51.
[57] 付坤; 翁更生; 闫智敬; 陈忠仁; 尹启彦; 朱敏琪, 气相法白炭黑填充天然橡胶的裂纹扩展机理. 高分子材料科学与工程 2016, 4, 17.
[1] Zhong-Ren Chen, Mccauley Kevin, Mark, W. Smale, Michael W. Hayes, Steven Luo, United States Patent 9,303,154: Rubber compositions including a polymeric component having a multi-modal molecular weight distribution
[2] Mark W. Smale, Zhong-Ren Chen, United States Patent 9,006,310: Intermeshing Mixing of Filler and Polymer Solution Masterbatch
[3] William L. Hergenrother, Walter Tomaszewski, Ashley Hilton, Michael Hayes, James H. Pawlow, Terrence E. Hogan, Zhong-Ren Chen, United States Patent 8642691: Amino Alkoxy-modified Silsesquioxane Adhesives for Improved Metal Adhesion and Metal Retention to Cured Rubber
[4] Zhong-Ren Chen, Steven Luo, United States Patent, 8,592,509: Rubber composition having improved crack resistance
[5] Zhong-Ren Chen, Joseph M.Lanzarotta, Yuichi Nagai, TomohiroKusano, United States Patent, 8,450,409: Method for mixing a rubber composition
[6] Zhong-Ren Chen, Zengquan Qin, Hiroshi Mouri, Yuan-yong Yan, Mindaugas Rackaitis, United States Patent, 8,158,700: Method of improving affinity between filler and polymers having a low degree of unsaturation
[7] Christine Rademacher, Steven Luo, Zhong-Ren Chen, Walter Tomaszewski, Edward Kelley, 8,067,503: Process for Producing Blends of Syndiotactic, 1,2-Polybutadiene and Rubbery Elastomers
[8] Steven Luo, Timothy L. Tartamella, Mark W. Smale, Kevin M. McCauley, Zhong-Ren Chen, United States Patent 7,879,958: Polyhydroxy Compounds as Polymerization Quenching Agents
[9] Zhong-Ren Chen, Sanjeev D. Naik, William M. Cole, Georg G. A. Böhm, United States Patent 7,790,798: Solution Masterbatch Process Using Finely Ground Fillers for Low Hysteresis Rubber
[10] Zhong-Ren Chen, Sunji Araki, William M. Cole, William Hergenrother, Sandra Warren, United States Patent 7,312,271: Solution Masterbatch Process Using Fine Particle Silica for Low Hysteresis Rubber
[11] Zhong-Ren Chen and Christine Rademacher, United States Patent 7,091,282: Composition Containing Ethylene/Propylene/Diene Copolymer and Polyalkylene/Olefin Copolymer
[12] William L. Hergenrother, Walter Tomaszewski, Ashley S. Hilton, Michael W. Hayes, James H. Pawlow, Terrence E. Hogan, Zhong-Ren Chen, EP2373754A1: Amino alkoxy-modified silsesquioxane adhesives for improved metal adhesion and metal adhesion retention to cured rubber
[13] Zhong-Ren Chen, Mccauley Kevin, Mark, W. Smale, Michael W. Hayes, Steven Luo, EP 2370512A1: Rubber compositions including a polymeric component having a multi-modal molecular weight distribution
[14]Steven Luo, Timothy L. Tartamella, Mark W. Smale, Kevin M. McCauley, Zhong-Ren Chen, JP2014012844A: Continuous Polymerization Method for Producing Polymer, and Method for Producing Polymer
[15]Steven Luo, Timothy L. Tartamella, Mark W. Smale, Kevin M. McCauley, Zhong-Ren Chen, JP2009041020A: Polyhydroxy Compounds as Polymerization Quenching Agents
[16]陈忠仁,侯琳熙,孙巍,历伟, CN103044626B:一种超级吸油橡胶材料及其制备方法
[17]陈忠仁,历伟,侯琳熙,穆景山, CN103059186B:一种乙烯嵌段共聚物的制备方法
[18]陈忠仁,历伟,侯琳熙,穆景山, CN103193907B:一种制备超高分子量聚乙烯复合材料的方法
[19]陈忠仁 历伟 侯琳熙, CN103193908B:一种制备超强UHMWPE纤维的方法及其相关催化剂
[20]陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰,张秀屏, CN104277237A:一种聚合物发泡材料的制备方法
[21]陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰,黄通荣, CN104277233A:一种提高聚丙烯材料耐热性能的方法
[22]陈忠仁,李微微,李春阳,徐文静, CN104278510A:一种超高分子量聚乙烯纤维复合表面改性方法
[23]陈忠仁,李微微,李春阳,徐文静, CN104278511A:一种超高分子量聚乙烯纤维复合表面改性方法
[24]陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰, CN104275766A:一种模压发泡过程中超临界流体的捕集及循环利用装置
[25]陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰, CN104275766A:一种模压发泡过程中超临界流体的捕集及循环利用装置
[26]陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰, CN203472039U,一种超临界流体输送装置
[27]陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰, CN104275767A,一种超临界流体输送装置
[28]陈忠仁,翁更生,刘衍朋, CN203449526U,超高分子量聚乙烯纤维橡胶复合材料及其制备方法
[29]陈忠仁,翁更生,刘衍朋, CN104292528A,一种高强度橡胶及其制备方法
[30]陈忠仁,翁更生,刘衍朋, CN104290223A,一种平板硫化机的施加剪切装置
[31] 陈忠仁,翁更生,刘衍朋, CN203472017U,一种平板硫化机的施加剪切装置
[32] 陈忠仁,翁更生,刘衍朋, CN104774359A,一种聚合物/碳纳米管复合材料的制备方法
[33] 陈忠仁,穆景山,杨飞, CN105017516A,一种聚乙烯基超支化聚合物的制备方法
[34] 陈忠仁,阮一平,毕文超, CN105585745A,一种橡胶发泡吸油材料及其制备方法
[35] 陈忠仁,贺登峰,关超,徐杰,阮一平,毕文超, CN105199214A,一种聚乙烯共混材料的制备方法
[36] 陈忠仁,马少华,闫智敬,付坤,毕文超, CN205044002U,一种带可活动人工割胶装置的开炼机
[37] 陈忠仁,包锦标,刘智峰,应建行,毕文超,阮一平, CN105218851A,一种制备聚合物开孔发泡材料的方法
[38] 陈忠仁,闫智敬,马少华,毕文超,付坤, CN205044001U,一种开炼机用人工割胶刀
[39] 闫智敬,陈忠仁,马少华,毕文超,付坤, CN205044006U,一种开炼机用人工割胶刀架
[40] 闫智敬,陈忠仁,马少华,阮一平,付坤, CN205044003U,一种开炼机用人工割胶机构
[41] 马少华,陈忠仁,付坤,闫智敬,阮一平, CN205044005U,一种数码控制辊筒距离的开炼机
[42]马少华,陈忠仁,闫智敬,阮一平,付坤, CN205044000U,一种遇险紧急自动停车防轧伤的开炼机
[43]陈忠仁,马少华,闫智敬,阮一平, CN105671932A,用于去除芳纶表面上浆剂的方法、浸泡液及淋洗液
[44]陈忠仁,马少华,闫智敬,毕文超, CN105568672A,芳纶表面改性方法