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[6] Ping Ju, Yongfei Liu, Feng Wu, Fei Dai, and Yiping Yu. General forced oscillations in a real power grid integrated with large scale wind power. Energies, 2016, 9(7): 525.
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[8] Haiqiang Zhou, Ping Ju, Yusheng Xue, and Jie Zhu. Probabilistic equivalent model of DFIG-based wind farms and its application in stability analysis. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2016, 4(2): 248-255.
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[11] Ping Ju, Hongyu Li, Chun Gan, Yong Liu, Yiping Yu, and Yilu Liu. Analytical assessment for transient stability under stochastic continuous disturbances. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 2018, 33(2): 2004-2014.
[12] Ping Ju, Hongyu Li, Xueping Pan, Chun Gan, Yong Liu, and Yilu Liu. Stochastic dynamic analysis for power systems under uncertain variability. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 2018, 33(4), pp.3789-3799.
[13] Hongyu Li, Ping Ju, Chun Gan, Feng Wu, Yichen Zhou, and Zhe Dong. Stochastic stability analysis of the power system with losses. Energies, 2018, 11(3): 678.
[14] Yuqing Jin, Ping Ju, Christian Rehtanz, Feng Wu, and Xueping Pan. Equivalent modelling of wind energy conversion considering overall effect of pitch angle controllers and in a wind farm. Applied Energy, 2018, (222): 485-496.
[15] Hongyu Li, Ping Ju, Chun Gan, Yufei Tang, Yiping Yu, and Yilu Liu. Analytic estimation method of forced oscillation amplitude under stochastic continuous disturbances.IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Accepted on 2018-06-10.
[16] Hongyu Li, Ping Ju, Chun Gan, Shutang You, Feng Wu, and Yilu Liu. Analytic analysis for dynamic system frequency in power systems under uncertain variability. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 2019,34(2): 982-993.
[17] Fu Shen, Ping Ju, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Zhiyi Li, and Xueping Pan. Generalized discrete-time equivalent model for the dynamic simulation of regional power grids. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 2018, 33(6): 6452-6465.
[18] Ping Ju, Fu Shen, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Zhiyi Li, and Chuan Qin. Generalized discrete-time equivalent model for representing interfaces in wide-area power systems. IEEE Trans. Smart Grids, Accepted on 2018-04-15.